1856, 3¢ dark carmine, yellow gum (1a) huge margins except close at bottom, tied by five-ring canceller, matching antiqua "Frederiksted, 26/5, 1860" origin cds on cover to Lahaina, Hawaii, sent from Frederiksted to St. Thomas by coastal ship arriving May 27th, Danish "St. Thomas, 27/5, 1860" cds backstamp, handed over to the British Post Office who struck the "St. Thomas, MY 28, 1860" double-arc backstamp and red "Paid at St. Thomas" crown mark with magenta "Paid 1/4" rating for the prepaid 1s 4d rate to Hawaii, carried by RMSP Tamar from St. Thomas Jun. 1st to Colon arriving Jun. 6th, "Panama, JU 6, 1860" double-arc transit, mail transferred from Colon to Aspinwall and across the Isthmus to Panama City, then by contract PMSS Sonora from Panama departing Jun. 15th to San Francisco arriving Jun. 28th, "San Francisco, Cal. Jun 28, 1860" arrival cds and "20" cent due handstamp, then by American Bank Yankee sailing from San Francisco Jun. 29th to Honolulu arriving Jul. 12th., Very Fine and remarkable use, ex-Schnell; with 2007 Moller certificate
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Saturday August 17th, 2024, 08:00 EDT
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