Bermuda: 1620 (Sept. 24) entire letter “To the Ryght Worshipfull Sir Nathaniel Rych at Allinton House in High Holborne I pray you geve these with spede yfGod Permet” and a simliar example of 1628 (Mar. 18) both written by John Hanmer, the latter datelined “Summer Island” (Somers Island) and endorsed “John Hanmer his letter and invoice sent by the Lydia dated from the S Ilandes 18 Marche 1628 It was delivered unto me on Tuesday the 28 April 1629: being sent me from Dartmouth where the ship putt in”. With the content transcribed for each and concerning report of the recipient’s brother’s death in Portugal and the trade in tobacco, mostly fine and with double ring “PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE” (London) marks on rear of each with an accompanying letter from the Public Records Office confirming their deaccessioned status in 1969. Ex Pitts. Photo. Sir Nathaniel Rich (1585? - 1636) was a merchant adventurer and shareholder in the Virginia, Bermudas, Somers Isles and Providence Island Companies. John Hanmer was a one-time Royal Commissioner into the dispute between the Earl of Carlisle and Captain Hawley in the Bahamas in 1640. The second earliest known letter from the islands in private hands
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Wednesday September 25th, 2024, 08:30 BST
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