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Württembergisches Auktionshaus


This auction is held publicly and voluntarily in the name of and on behalf of the consignor. All lots are generally sold via the margin system against immediate cash payment in Euro. Cheques are accepted. However, from customers unknown to us, only confirmed bank cheques will be considered acceptable. Foreign currencies and cheques will be accepted on the basis of the current exchange rate of the Federal Bank (Bundesbank).

2. Lots are knocked down to the highest bidder. The auctioneer reserves the right to refuse to knock down a lot, or to withdraw, recombine or divide lots. The bidding increments are printed in the catalogue. Lots will be sold to the highest bidder upon three calls. Equal bids are determined by drawing lots. In cases of doubt the auctioneer has the right to cancel the knocking down of a lot and to re-offer it.

3. Bidders are liable to take over the lots knocked down to them. Once a lot is knocked down, the risk passes on to the buyer immediately, while ownership is passed on to the buyer only after full payment of the hammer price, the buyer’s premium, the lot fee, and VAT, as well as default charges that may be due. The buyer is entitled to the delivery of the auctioned lots only after full payment has been effected. Delivery of the lots purchased will be effected by the auctioneer at the buyer’s cost and risk. Storage of purchased lots on the auction premises from the time of knockdown is made at the buyer’s risk. Storage more than 4 weeks after knockdown will be charged to the buyer. Agents representing third parties will be held liable in person.

4. On top of the hammer price the buyer pays a commission of 22% of the hammer price plus 2 Euro for each lot purchased. V.A.T. will only be charged on the commission and lot fee. For lot numbers marked with„+“ we charge a 7% import fee on the hammer price. Lots marked with ”•“ behind the lot number have a reduced commission of 15%, on these lots VAT. is payable on the hammer price, commission and lot fee. The VAT is not due in case of export sales to non EC countries, as long as the goods are sent directly by us and proof of export has been received. Export to European Community countries may be exempt from VAT (Dealer with relevant Tax ID Number, reverse charge system). Costs for shipping and insurance will be charged separately according to expenditures plus VAT if applicable. A subsequent change of billing is not possible. Invoices created during or immediately after the auction are subject to retrospective review. Errors and omissions excepted.

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6. The auctioneer is authorized, if necessary, to exercise in his own name all rights resulting from the consignor’s orders and hammer prices.

7. Written orders to bid will be executed conscientiously and safeguarding the client’s interests, but without recourse. In case of a bid “at best” the auctioneer may bid up to five times the start price. Lots marked “Gebot” will be called by the highest bid. In the case of bidding by phone, the auctioneer cannot be held responsible for the establishment of an effective connection. Phone bidders are obliged to bid at least the limit price.

8. The description of the lots is done conscientiously and with utmost care, but does not represent any particular guarantee in a legal sense. Claims of any kind must be received by the auctioneer within ten days of the handing over or delivery of the lots. The buyer must inform the auctioneer of his intention to have lots expertized before the sale of the respective lots. However, paragraph 5 of these conditions of public sale remains unaffected.

9. Faults or defects that can be inferred from the illustrations (margins, perforation, centering, cancellation, etc.) can by no means be the subject of complaints. Illustrations scale and color can vary. Collections, accumulations, and lots are reviewed and spot-checked by us. They are sold “as inspected.” No claims of any sort may be made with regard to such objects. These lots can be viewed on our premises. It is recommended to view them or to have them inspected by third parties. No complaint will be considered if the respective lot has been altered. Alterations, in particular, include removal of hinges, hinge remainders or paper adhesions, immersion in water, treatment with chemicals, and the addition (orremoval) of marks of any sort. Only the FALSE sign added by an expert liable for errors is not considered an alteration. Lots already stated to contain faults cannot be returned by reason of further small faults. In case of a justified complaint the buyer will be refunded the complete purchase price upon return of the respective lot. Any further claims to the auctioneer that are not affected by paragraph14 of these terms are excluded. The auctioneer is entitled to refer all complaints to the consignor. For the requirement delivery not the figure is determining excluding the text.

10. The deadline for complaints will be considered exceeded if lots are not taken in due time. Bidding for stamps which have already been expertized as well as stamps with certificates of recognized experts implies the acceptance of existing expert marks or certificates as decisive. If a bid is made subject to certification by different experts, this must be indicated to the auctioneer 24 hours in advance. As a matter of principle, floor bidders purchase lots “as inspected.” They may only complain about hidden defects. This also applies to purchases made by third parties (bidders’ representatives or auction agents).

11. The bidder has to obtain at his expense an expertise from a recognized expert competent for the respective field to substantiate possible claims. In case of a justified complaint, the consignor will be charged possible fees for expertization. The expertises and marks described in the catalogue are considered decisive also with regard to quality. Any other kind of claim against the auctioneer or the vendors is barred by the statute of limitations after 12 months from the first day of the calendar month following the month the auction was held.

12. Except for collections and accumulations as well as lots that contain mint never-hinged stamps, any lot may be requested for home viewing before the auction. Shipping is undertaken at the viewer’s risk, and costs and insurance fees will be charged to him. However, customers unknown to us will have to provide excellent references or make a deposit. If the material is not returned on time for the auction, the recipient will have to pay the full hammer price.

13. The auctioneer reserves the right to exclude persons from the auction without giving any reason. Trading or exchanging stamps on the auction premises is prohibited.

14. Claims for damages against the auctioneer and representatives are not permissible, unless the damage was caused deliberately or through gross negligence. Claims for damages concerning hazards, injuries or health impairment are neither affected nor excluded by these terms in any way. Any other claims against the auctioneer or its consignors shall expire after twelve months’ time (or 24 months’ time for consumers).The first day of the month following an auction marks the beginning of these periods.

15. Place of execution as well as place of jurisdiction for artificial persons, entrepreneurs of other sorts, or bodies without residence or representation within Germany is Stuttgart.

16. By placing a bid or a purchase order, the buyer acknowledges that he knows and fully accepts these conditions of public sale. These auction terms also apply to all subsequent (private treaty) sales of auction lots outside the auction using auction markers (i.e. sales by private contract).

17. Any legal transactions of the auctioneer as well as purchase contracts concluded by awarded bids are subject to Federal German Law exclusively. The UN Treaty for contacts concerning international goods sales (CISG) is not applicable. This translation of the "Versteigerungsbedingungen" is provided for information only. The German version is to be taken as authoritative.

Württembergisches Auktionshaus

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Württembergisches Auktionshaus

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Württembergisches Auktionshaus 145th Auction
December 13th - 14th, 2024

Worldwide philately for high standards. Special parts Old German States and German Colonies.

Short Terms and Conditions

On top of the hammer price the buyer pays a commission of 22% of the hammer price plus 2 Euro for each lot purchased. V.A.T. will only be charged on the commission and lot fee. For lot numbers marked with "+" we charge a 7% import fee on the hammer price. Lots marked with "•" behind the lot number have a reduced commission of 15%, on these lots VAT. is payable on the hammer price, commission and lot fee. The VAT is not due in case of export sales to non-EC countries, as long as the goods are sent directly by us and proof of export has been received.  Export to European Community countries may be exempt from V.A.T. (Dealer with relevant Tax ID Number). Costs for shipping and insurance will be charged separately. A subsequent change of billing is not possible. Invoices created during or immediately after the auction are subject to retrospective review. Errors and omissions excepted.

Please note the Terms and Conditions

Lot Start Lot End Starting Time Description

Friday December 13th, 2024

201 1237 10:00 CET Übersee, Europa
3152 4243 11:00 CET Deutsches Reich
7068 8330 13:00 CET Deutsche Gebiete, Nachkriegsdeutschland
8331 9074 15:00 CET Sammlungen, Münzen, Literatur, Nachtrag

Saturday December 14th, 2024

1 141 10:00 CET Spezialauktion Oldenburg
1238 3151 11:00 CET Altdeutschland
4244 7067 14:00 CET Deutsche Kolonien und Auslandspostämter
Current Auctions
December 14th, 2024
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 145th Auction - Special Auction Oldenburg
December 14th, 2024
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 145th Auction - German colonies and foreign post offices
After Auction Sale
December 13th - 14th, 2024
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 145th Auction
Worldwide philately for high standards. Special parts Old German States and German Colonies.
Auction Results
December 13th - 14th, 2024
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 145th Auction
Worldwide philately for high standards. Special parts Old German States and German Colonies.
June 28th - 29th, 2024
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 144th Auction
Philately from all over the world. Special catalogs “Luxembourg” and “German Colonies”.
April 6th, 2024
Württembergisches Auktionshaus - Special Auction German Post in China "Mandarin" Part 1
The "Mandarin" collection, German Post in China 1886/1917
December 15th - 16th, 2023
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 143rd Auction
High quality philately from all over the world with focus on old Germany and colonies

June 23-24, 2023
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 142nd Auction
High quality philately from all over the world with focus on old Germany and colonies
December 9th - 10th, 2022
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 141st Auction
Philately worldwide with extensive special section German Colonies incl. special collection "Kalahari" (Live)
June 17th - 18th, 2022
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 140th Auction

World wide Philately stamps and covers. Special German Colonies and Offices Abroad.

April 23, 2022
Württembergisches Auktionshaus - Special Auction "USAMBARA"-Collection
Special Auction German Colonies and Post Offices Abroad.
December 3rd - 4th, 2021
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 139th Auction
German and international philately with special section German foreign post offices and colonies
June 4th - 5th, 2021
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 138th Auction
High quality philately worldwide with special part german colonies
December 4th - 5th, 2020
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 137th Auction
Main auction, single lots and "Bredeney" collection
November 6th-7th, 2020
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 137th Auction
May 12th & 15th - 16th, 2020
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 136th Auction
An important Auction with a phantastic selection of stamps and covers worldwide.
No print catalogs due to ...
November 8th - 9th, 2019
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 135th Auction
Philately worldwide with numerous rarities
May 17-18, 2019
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 134th Auction
Philately worldwide with numerous rarities
October 26th - 27th, 2018
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 133rd Auction
Philately and Postal History including the Bredeney Collection
June 9th, 2018
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 132nd Auction
March 28, 2018
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 131st Auction - Colonial Catalogue
Special auction german colonies and foreign post offices.
March 27-28, 2018
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 131st Auction
Philately and Postal History including the collections from Dr. Helmut Schmidt und Dr. Wilhelm Goldmann.
September 15th-16th, 2017
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 130th Auction
International auction of 8000 lots. With liquidation of the Collections Dr. Helmut Schmidt and Dr. Wilhelm Goldmann.
March 10-11, 2017
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 129th Auction
A high quality worldwide selection with a focus on Germany and Austria with the collection "Sulina" and Dr. Wohlgemuth.
September 30th - October 1st, 2016
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 128th Auction
Ein hochkarätiges, weltweites Angebot. Deutschland mit zahlreichen Losen aus der Dr.-Helmut-Schmidt-Sammlung.
April 30, 2016
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 127th Auction
9000 lots with the resolution of numerous private collections, among others the Dr. Helmut Schmidt collection.
December 12th, 2015
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 126th Auction
9000 lots with the resolution of numerous private collections, among others the Dr. Helmut Schmidt collection.
September 11 - 12, 2015
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 125th Auction - German colonies and foreign post offices
more than 3000 selected lots from China to Togo. Resolution of the exhibition collection "Sven", and other materials from the ...
September 11 - 12, 2015
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 125th Auction - German South West Africa, Collection of Peter Wenzel
Special catalog with rarities from the unique collection of German South West Africa by Peter Wenzel.
September 11 - 12, 2015
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 125th Auction - Old German States, The Havel Collection
240 Lots Old German States with a very interesting collection part.
September 11-12, 2015
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 125th Auction
8000 lots Overseas, Europe and Germany with the resolution of numerous private collections, among others the Dr. Helmut Schmidt ...
March 21st, 2015
124th Württ. Auktionshaus GmbH Auction - German Colonies and foreign post offices
Over 3000 Lots from German colonies / foreign post offices with the items from the collection of Dr. Schmidt and Peter Wenzel.
March 20th - 21st, 2015
124th Württ. Auktionshaus GmbH
Dissolution of several large special collections of Europe and Germany with over 8100 lots.
November 15th, 2014
123rd Württ. Auktionshaus - TABORA-COLLECTION
Fantastic collection German-East-Africa divided up in 136 lots.
November 15th, 2014
123rd Württ. Auktionshaus - ZISTL-Collection
German colonies and offices abroad. Over 500 extraordinary lots including 140 lots and collections. 
September 20th, 2014
122. Württ. Auktionshaus - German Foreign PO and Colonies
Specialized auction of German colonies and foreign post offices offering 2,300 lots.
September 20th, 2014
122. Württ. Auktionshaus - Special Catalog Ger. Southwest
Auction with rarities from the fantastic German South West Africa collection of Peter Wenzel. An incredibly high density ...
September 20th, 2014
122. Württ. Auktionshaus - Special Catalog Kamerun
The unique specialized German Cameroon colony collection assembled by former BPP examiner Hubertus Eibenstein.
September 19th to 20th, 2014
122. Württ. Auktionshaus - Main Catalog
7,500 lots including many interesting and excellent items from Germany, Europe and Overseas. We also offer once more numerous items from ...
April 29th - 30th, 2014
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 121. Auction
International rarity auction sale with large offer German Colonies
December 14th, 2013
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 120th Auction
Welcome to our international auction on Saturday, December 14th, 2013 which brings a excellent range of small and large rarities from all ...
September 6th - 7th 2013
119th Württembergisches Auktionshaus
Our 119th International auction with over 14.000 lots, focusing on Europe, Germany, German Empire, German foreign post offices / Colonies, ...
April 19th - 20th 2013
118th Württembergisches Auktionshaus
International selection of 12,000 lots from different areas of philately and postal history.
Included are the following exeptional ...
December 12, 2012
117th Württembergisches Auktionshaus
Over 10.000 Lots from all over the World, focusing German Colonies. Many "bid lots".

Many lots are signed as " ...
September 7-8, 2012
116th Württembergisches Auktionshaus
The great autumn auction of the Wurttemberg auction house were among others five great collections will be offered for sale. In addition, a ...
April 20-21, 2012
115th Württembergisches Auktionshaus Nachtrag
One of the best offers in company history with the offering of five large special collections: Old German States - Collection Stenmark, ...
April 20-21, 2012
115th Württembergisches Auktionshaus
One of the best offers in ...
December 7, 2011
114th Württembergisches Auktionshaus
The Auction with more than 4.900 world wide lots, includes many "offer" lots which are starting with Euro 1,00.

September 2-3, 2011
113th Württembergisches Auktionshaus
More then 10.000 lots from around the world with emphasis on Great Britain, Austria. Very well presented Old German States, German Empire, ...
April 15-16, 2011
112th Württembergisches Auktionshaus
Our 112th auction is the most comprehensive auction sale in our history. Not only the quantity, but also the quality of the material is ...
December 8, 2010
111th Württembergisches Auktionshaus
Sale of the "Schoenbrunn Collection" with more than 2400 lots. Austria, Lombardia-Venetia and Austrian Levant. The collection includes ...
September 3rd and 4th 2010
110th Württembergisches Auktionshaus
International rarity auction sale with large offer German Colonies.