Spink London
Lot 5041
1 more picture.
Great Britain. Postal History. 1824-47, selection of seven ...more
Great Britain. Postal History. 1824-47, selection of seven entires,
including 1824 to Finsbury Square with "2" (deleted), script "In
all", "4" and blue "T.P./Coventry St." handstamps, 1825 to
Shrewsbury with R.L.(Ride Letter) and "to pay/2d/only" in shield,
1827 and 1833 entires with different "To Pay 1d. only", 1843-47
three entires franked 1d. with undated circular markings; mixed
condition (Estimate £150 - £200)
Spink London
Lot 5045 (x)
1 more picture.
Great Britain. Postal History. 1832-97, a selection of entire
letters ...more Great Britain. Postal History. 1832-97, a selection of entire letters and entires to overseas destinations (8) including 1845 (6 Jan.) entire letter to Rome with town c.d.s., 1847, two entire letters from Liverpool to Quebec per the "Hibernia" and "Caledonia" respectively; and inland (13) including 1832 entire to Cheshire with scrolled "too late" handstamp, 1851 entire letter to Netherton with very fine "andover/b" double ring d.s., 1852 entire to Beverly with fine "beverly/a" double ring d.s. in blue; also 1873 (4 Nov.) illustrated weight bill for 170 tons of pig iron with 6d. embossed duty stamp at left. An interesting group. (Estimate £200)
letters ...more Great Britain. Postal History. 1832-97, a selection of entire letters and entires to overseas destinations (8) including 1845 (6 Jan.) entire letter to Rome with town c.d.s., 1847, two entire letters from Liverpool to Quebec per the "Hibernia" and "Caledonia" respectively; and inland (13) including 1832 entire to Cheshire with scrolled "too late" handstamp, 1851 entire letter to Netherton with very fine "andover/b" double ring d.s., 1852 entire to Beverly with fine "beverly/a" double ring d.s. in blue; also 1873 (4 Nov.) illustrated weight bill for 170 tons of pig iron with 6d. embossed duty stamp at left. An interesting group. (Estimate £200)
Spink London
Lot 5053 (x)
4 more pictures.
Great Britain. Postal History. 1840-1952 "instructional ...more
Great Britain. Postal History. 1840-1952 "instructional marks"
collection on pages, comprising covers (20+) to a range of
destinations with various different marks including "Too Late",
"More to Pay" cachets, "Late Fee" and "Missent" marks; examples
include 1846 part entire bearing 1841 1d. red to Currie Scotland
with scroll type "Too Late" cachet, 1907 envelope bearing 1½d. to
Southport with boxed "Late Fee Paid" h.s, mixed condition though a
great lot for the specialist. (Estimate £200 - £300)
Spink London
Lot 5108
Great Britain. 1840 Mulready. Selections. 1d. lettersheet (A35):
1840 ...more Great Britain. 1840 Mulready. Selections. 1d. lettersheet (A35): 1840 (19 June) from Preston to Liverpool, 1d. envelopes (A144): 1841 (29 Jan.) from London to Clydach near Abergavenny, (A134) 1840 (21 June) from Lancaster to Liverpool and (A166), c.1840 from Worcester to Tetbury; all cancelled by red Maltese Crosses, generally fine and a good group. (Estimate £600 - £800)
1840 ...more Great Britain. 1840 Mulready. Selections. 1d. lettersheet (A35): 1840 (19 June) from Preston to Liverpool, 1d. envelopes (A144): 1841 (29 Jan.) from London to Clydach near Abergavenny, (A134) 1840 (21 June) from Lancaster to Liverpool and (A166), c.1840 from Worcester to Tetbury; all cancelled by red Maltese Crosses, generally fine and a good group. (Estimate £600 - £800)
Spink London
Lot 5109
Great Britain. 1840 Mulready. Selections. 1d. envelope (A177) and
2d. ...more Great Britain. 1840 Mulready. Selections. 1d. envelope (A177) and 2d. lettersheet (A90), both unused, also undated front addressed to Brighton with manuscript "2" charge mark indicating postage due, unusual. A fine trio. (Estimate £150 - £200)
2d. ...more Great Britain. 1840 Mulready. Selections. 1d. envelope (A177) and 2d. lettersheet (A90), both unused, also undated front addressed to Brighton with manuscript "2" charge mark indicating postage due, unusual. A fine trio. (Estimate £150 - £200)
Spink London
Lot 5110
Great Britain. 1840 Mulready. Selections. 1d. envelopes (A150):
1843 ...more Great Britain. 1840 Mulready. Selections. 1d. envelopes (A150): 1843 from Haddington to Dalkeith, (A162) 1841 from Wells to Taunton, both cancelled by black Maltese Crosses, the latter with manuscript "Above ½ oz" and charge mark "2"; also 1d. lettersheets: (A5): 1841 from Stowmarket to Eye with part printed address "To the East of England Bank", cancelled by black Maltese Cross with superb Eye double ring d.s. on front, (obscured stereo) from Dunster to Alleyard House cancelled by black Maltese Cross with "dunster/83" mileage mark on reverse. Generally fine and a good group. (Estimate £600 - £800)
1843 ...more Great Britain. 1840 Mulready. Selections. 1d. envelopes (A150): 1843 from Haddington to Dalkeith, (A162) 1841 from Wells to Taunton, both cancelled by black Maltese Crosses, the latter with manuscript "Above ½ oz" and charge mark "2"; also 1d. lettersheets: (A5): 1841 from Stowmarket to Eye with part printed address "To the East of England Bank", cancelled by black Maltese Cross with superb Eye double ring d.s. on front, (obscured stereo) from Dunster to Alleyard House cancelled by black Maltese Cross with "dunster/83" mileage mark on reverse. Generally fine and a good group. (Estimate £600 - £800)
Spink London
Lot 5111 (x)
Great Britain. 1840 Mulready. Selections. A selection including
used ...more Great Britain. 1840 Mulready. Selections. A selection including used 1d. envelopes (3) comprising a146, a154 and a293 each cancelled by a red Maltese Cross, a199 2d. envelope sent to London with address erased and teared, cancelled by red Maltese Cross, most of top flap cut and the others with partial cuts. some soiling, mixed condition. (Estimate £150 - £250)
used ...more Great Britain. 1840 Mulready. Selections. A selection including used 1d. envelopes (3) comprising a146, a154 and a293 each cancelled by a red Maltese Cross, a199 2d. envelope sent to London with address erased and teared, cancelled by red Maltese Cross, most of top flap cut and the others with partial cuts. some soiling, mixed condition. (Estimate £150 - £250)
Spink London
Lot 5421
12 more pictures.
Great Britain. 1841-53 One Penny Red-Brown. 1843-52, selection ...more
Great Britain. 1841-53 One Penny Red-Brown. 1843-52, selection of
thirty seven entires or envelopes, including twenty-two with
undated circles in a range of colours, some unlisted, other
markings with red "M/NR" in circle tying the stamp, orange
Ilkley/Penny Post, "more/to pay", blue "bootham", Isle of Man
c.d.s., "Leather Lane", Chesterfield and Huddersfield travellers,
etc., chiefly good to fine (Estimate £300 - £400)
Spink London
Lot 5422
2 more pictures.
Great Britain. 1841-53 One Penny Red-Brown. 1845-54, selection ...more
Great Britain. 1841-53 One Penny Red-Brown. 1845-54, selection of
nine entires/envelopes, including 1845 entire to Bishopsgate with
red scalloped "Sunday" c.d.s., 1846 and 1849 envelopes with wafer
seals, 1846 entire with red Mirfield u.d.c., 1847 entire from
Lyndale, Isle of Skye, 1849 entire with blue Brighouse u.d.c., 1851
and 1854 embossed envelopes, etc., one with stamp missing,
otherwise chiefly fine (Estimate £200 - £250)
Spink London
Lot 5423
4 more pictures.
Great Britain. 1841-53 One Penny Red-Brown. 1847-56, a small group
of ...more Great Britain. 1841-53 One Penny Red-Brown. 1847-56, a small group of Scottish numerals on cover (8) and on piece (3) including Edinburgh '131' (2) and suburbs '*131*' on cover, Aberdeen '1', Dornoch '104' and Huntly '178' on piece, Comire '79' and Kettle '195' in blue, '122' Dundee in green, Douglas '106' in green and Cockburnspath '97' in brown, all on cover; generally fine with four margined adhesives. (Estimate £600 - £800)
of ...more Great Britain. 1841-53 One Penny Red-Brown. 1847-56, a small group of Scottish numerals on cover (8) and on piece (3) including Edinburgh '131' (2) and suburbs '*131*' on cover, Aberdeen '1', Dornoch '104' and Huntly '178' on piece, Comire '79' and Kettle '195' in blue, '122' Dundee in green, Douglas '106' in green and Cockburnspath '97' in brown, all on cover; generally fine with four margined adhesives. (Estimate £600 - £800)
Spink London
Lot 5425
1 more picture.
Great Britain. 1841-53 One Penny Red-Brown. Selection of seven ...more
Great Britain. 1841-53 One Penny Red-Brown. Selection of seven on
entire or envelope, including Plate 24: DL, with red "T.P./Ur
Berkley Sq." just tying the stamp, Plate 27: OH with "Whitechapel"
alongside, Plate 33, RF (handcut tail to R) with blue
"micklegate/york" alongside, markings with Huddersfield traveller
with and without number at base, and a remarkable example, from the
top of the sheet with part inscription, separated by hand and
showing portions of five adjoining stamps, etc.; an interesting
selection (Estimate £300 - £400)
Spink London
Lot 5426
Great Britain. 1841-53 One Penny Red-Brown. Collection of 123
covers ...more Great Britain. 1841-53 One Penny Red-Brown. Collection of 123 covers or fronts, including eight pairs and a strip of three, twenty-two with Maltese Cross cancellations, with number "12" in Cross, blue Truro Cross (front), Dublin distinctive Cross, markings with More to Pay, embossed "Free" envelope, multiples, etc., also 1841 2d. covers and two perf. 1d. covers, mixed condition but an interesting lot (Estimate £400 - £500)
covers ...more Great Britain. 1841-53 One Penny Red-Brown. Collection of 123 covers or fronts, including eight pairs and a strip of three, twenty-two with Maltese Cross cancellations, with number "12" in Cross, blue Truro Cross (front), Dublin distinctive Cross, markings with More to Pay, embossed "Free" envelope, multiples, etc., also 1841 2d. covers and two perf. 1d. covers, mixed condition but an interesting lot (Estimate £400 - £500)
Spink London
Lot 5448
Great Britain. 1854-57. Watermark Large Crown, Perf. 14. 1d., ...more
Great Britain. 1854-57. Watermark Large Crown, Perf. 14. 1d., used
collection in a blue album, over 600 stamps, including large part
reconstructions of Plates 23-26, also 1856-58 1d. almost 300 used,
mostly plated examples. Mixed condition (Estimate £600 - £800)
Spink London
Lot 5467 (x)
1 more picture.
Great Britain. 1856-58. Perf. 14 One Penny. Selection on ...more
Great Britain. 1856-58. Perf. 14 One Penny. Selection on stockcards
comprising singles (10) and pairs (3), SI-SJ, LJ-LK and AI-AJ, also
DB-DD strip of three, one without gum, generally fine (Estimate
£400 - £600)
Spink London
Lot 5468
Great Britain. 1856-58. Perf. 14 One Penny. Mostly used ...more
Great Britain. 1856-58. Perf. 14 One Penny. Mostly used collection
housed in a red album, over 500 stamps, including a large part
reconstruction of 237, Plated examples with varieties, London and
Scots local cancellations, Also a selection of over 300 1861 1d.
with many Plated, mixed condition (Estimate £800 - £1000)
Spink London
Lot 5470 (x)
Great Britain. 1864-79. One Penny Plate Numbers. Plates 71-225: ...more
Great Britain. 1864-79. One Penny Plate Numbers. Plates 71-225: a
used collection housed in a box comprising a number of covers
(600+) on pages mostly addressed locally with various different
postmarks; also used singles to Plate 225, mixed condition though
an interesting lot, viewing advised. (Estimate £400 - £600)
Spink London
Lot 5484 (x)
15 more pictures.
Great Britain. 1864-79. One Penny Plate Numbers. Selection ...more
Great Britain. 1864-79. One Penny Plate Numbers. Selection of
multiples, comprising Plate 92 AA-DF upper left corner block of
twenty-four showing the plate number and part inscription, Plate
132 OJ-TL block of twelve, Plate 114 TK-TL lower left pair showing
plate number and part inscription, Plate 221 KA-NF block of
twenty-four showing part inscription to left, Plate 76 LH-OL
multiple of thirty-two, Plate 133 LA-OD multiple of fifteen showing
part inscription to left; several more multiples (some marginal),
mixed condition with some usual faults nevertheless a rare group
with high catalogue value. S.G. 43/44 £19,000+ (Estimate £3000 -
Spink London
Lot 5485 (x)
18 more pictures.
Great Britain. 1864-79. One Penny Plate Numbers. A selection of
mint ...more Great Britain. 1864-79. One Penny Plate Numbers. A selection of mint singles and multiples on Hagner pages, including blocks of four (50+), blocks of six (9), Plate 191 KH-LK block of eight, Plate 124 FG-GL block of twelve, Plate 165 DA-FD block of twelve, a range of singles (140+) comprising Plates 71-225 (except 77, 142, 143, 158 and 190) including plate 225 examples (2), Plate 146 and 64 handstamped "specimen" and Plate 174 with variety watermark inverted, generally fine and valuable group. (Estimate £3000 - £4000)
mint ...more Great Britain. 1864-79. One Penny Plate Numbers. A selection of mint singles and multiples on Hagner pages, including blocks of four (50+), blocks of six (9), Plate 191 KH-LK block of eight, Plate 124 FG-GL block of twelve, Plate 165 DA-FD block of twelve, a range of singles (140+) comprising Plates 71-225 (except 77, 142, 143, 158 and 190) including plate 225 examples (2), Plate 146 and 64 handstamped "specimen" and Plate 174 with variety watermark inverted, generally fine and valuable group. (Estimate £3000 - £4000)
Spink London
Lot 5486 (x)
7 more pictures.
Great Britain. 1864-79. One Penny Plate Numbers. Postal ...more
Great Britain. 1864-79. One Penny Plate Numbers. Postal history
collection to overseas destinations comprising 1d. red plate 79 in
combination with 4d. vermilion and 1/- green tied to registered
mourning envelope to India from Hampstead via Marseilles & Bombay
with 'Sea Post Office' d.s on reverse; Plate 88 strip of six on an
envelope to Genova, Plate 92 strip of four on undeliverable cover
with 'Calais' and 'Paris A Bordeaux' d.s's, Plate 97 strip of 4, a
pair and two singles (plates 93 & 100) on envelope addressed to
Sweden with red 'PD' h.s and 3d. accountancy mark on front, Plate
150 pair tied to printed folded document to Sweden; also Plate 206
strip of six on cover to Cape Town, entire letter to Paris bearing
1d. reds (12), entire letter to Marseille bearing 2d. blue (2) and
1d. red., mixed condition though an interesting lot. (Estimate £300
- £400)
Spink London
Lot 5497
Great Britain. Line engraved selection, three stamps and six
covers, ...more Great Britain. Line engraved selection, three stamps and six covers, including 1841 1d. and 2d. on separate entires with Edinburgh thin lined Maltese Cross cancellations, 1d. on entire to Dublin with blue "tynan/penny post" alongside, 1858 2d. Plate 5 tied to entire by Wisbeach sideways duplex, 1860 1d. on envelope to Hamburg with a double strike of the London inland numeral giving the impression of a grid cancellation. etc., chiefly fine (Estimate £300 - £400)
covers, ...more Great Britain. Line engraved selection, three stamps and six covers, including 1841 1d. and 2d. on separate entires with Edinburgh thin lined Maltese Cross cancellations, 1d. on entire to Dublin with blue "tynan/penny post" alongside, 1858 2d. Plate 5 tied to entire by Wisbeach sideways duplex, 1860 1d. on envelope to Hamburg with a double strike of the London inland numeral giving the impression of a grid cancellation. etc., chiefly fine (Estimate £300 - £400)
Spink London
Lot 5498 (x)
Great Britain. Line Engraved. Small selection (63), including ...more
Great Britain. Line Engraved. Small selection (63), including 1840
1d. (5) with a vertical strip of three on piece (faults), 141 2d.
(3), 1858-76 2d, on piece with 1873-80 8d., etc., mixed condition
(Estimate £150 - £200)
Spink London
Lot 5509 (x)
Great Britain. Surface Printed Collection. 1855-1892 mint ...more
Great Britain. Surface Printed Collection. 1855-1892 mint selection
comprising 1855-57 wmk Large Garter 4d. (2) , 1862-64 4d.,
1887-1902 2d. blocks of six (2) one marginal and unmounted, 5d. die
I with horizontal crease though very fresh, also 1½d. Reply Paid
Essay, imperforate pair of the head plate only in blue, mostly part
to large part original gum, generally fine though viewing
recommended. A useful group. (Estimate £350 - £450)
Spink London
Lot 5512 (x)
7 more pictures.
Great Britain. 1858-97, a selection of covers (33) with ...more
Great Britain. 1858-97, a selection of covers (33) with Surface
Printed frankings to overseas destinations including 1862 (5 July)
entire letter to Cape of Good Hope bearing 1857 6d. and 1854-57
1d.; 1860 (11 Feb.) envelope to New South Wales bearing 1857 6d.;
1853 (24 Sept.) entire letter to New York bearing 1857 1/-;
1862-65, seven entires to Lyon bearing 1862-64 4d.; 1871 (3 July)
entire letter to Italy bearing 1865-67 4d. Plate 12 alongside
1864-79 1d.; 1871 (10 Jan.) entire to New York bearing 1865-67 4d.
Plate 11 and 1867-80 3d. Plate 5; 1866 (19 Oct.) envelope to
Illinois bearing 1865-67 wing margin 1/- Plate 4; 1875-77, three
entires to Rotterdam bearing 1873-80 2½d. rosy-mauve; 1883 (Sept.)
envelope to Auckland bearing 1880-83 6d. on 6d. and 1/-
orange-brown; 1894 1d. pink postal stationery envelope to Belgrade
bearing Jubilee 1½d. Mixed condition though a good lot. (Estimate
£800 - £1000)
Spink London
Lot 5550 (x)
Great Britain. 1867-83 High Values. Selection on ...more
Great Britain. 1867-83 High Values. Selection on stockcards
comprising £1 brown, BB, cancelled by clear and upright London
Northern Office c.d.s of 23/07/79 5/- rose unused, 5/- imperf
overprinted "specimen", 5/- used (7), mixed condition and viewing
recommended though a valuable group. (Estimate £400 - £600)
Spink London
Lot 5580 (x)
Great Britain. 1880-83. Watermark Imperial Crown. A mint selection
on ...more Great Britain. 1880-83. Watermark Imperial Crown. A mint selection on an album page and stockcards comprising 2½d. blue (10) including Plate 22: PE-QF block of four, 3d. rose (9) including NB-OC block of four and MI-MK strip of three with horizontal crease, 3d. on 3d. (3), 4d. (4), 6d. (2), 6d. on 6d. showing variety slanting dots and 1/- orange-brown (4) including CA with crease (B.P.A. Certificate 1990), slightly mixed condition though a valuable lot. S.G.157-163 group £18,000+ (Estimate £1500 - £2500)
on ...more Great Britain. 1880-83. Watermark Imperial Crown. A mint selection on an album page and stockcards comprising 2½d. blue (10) including Plate 22: PE-QF block of four, 3d. rose (9) including NB-OC block of four and MI-MK strip of three with horizontal crease, 3d. on 3d. (3), 4d. (4), 6d. (2), 6d. on 6d. showing variety slanting dots and 1/- orange-brown (4) including CA with crease (B.P.A. Certificate 1990), slightly mixed condition though a valuable lot. S.G.157-163 group £18,000+ (Estimate £1500 - £2500)
Spink London
Lot 5581 (x)
Great Britain. 1881 1d. Lilac. A mostly mint collection on
annotated ...more Great Britain. 1881 1d. Lilac. A mostly mint collection on annotated pages comprising multiples of twenty, twelve (2), eight (2), six (4) and four (7), controls (270+) with singles and multiples including 'b' to 'x' with 'w' horizontal strip of three showing variety watermark inverted, 't' block of six, 'x' strips of three (3+), a range of different minor perforation errors and varieties noted throughout, generally fine though a valuable and well researched collection. (Estimate £600 - £800)
annotated ...more Great Britain. 1881 1d. Lilac. A mostly mint collection on annotated pages comprising multiples of twenty, twelve (2), eight (2), six (4) and four (7), controls (270+) with singles and multiples including 'b' to 'x' with 'w' horizontal strip of three showing variety watermark inverted, 't' block of six, 'x' strips of three (3+), a range of different minor perforation errors and varieties noted throughout, generally fine though a valuable and well researched collection. (Estimate £600 - £800)
Spink London
Lot 5582 (x)
Great Britain. 1881 1d. Lilac. A used collection housed in a ...more
Great Britain. 1881 1d. Lilac. A used collection housed in a carton
with Anglo Boer War and overseas usages on pages (60+), including
1900 India postal stationery card uprated with 1d. lilac from
Marseille to India, postal history addressed to New Zealand (10+),
a selection of envelopes addressed to natal with 'pretoria' censor
handstamps, a range of different 'Fieldpost'' cancellations and
postmarks throughout, also pages comprising 1881-1906 postmarks,
shades and private perforations noted, an interesting lot
well-worth viewing.. (Estimate £400 - £600)
Spink London
Lot 5583 (x)
8 more pictures.
Great Britain. 1881 1d. Lilac. A comprehensive collection
comprising ...more Great Britain. 1881 1d. Lilac. A comprehensive collection comprising Die I selection overprinted "specimen" (7) including a block of four with margin at top and an example with overprint double, an imprimatur from top of the sheet with '1' in pencil in margin, Die II includes an imprimatur, a die proof in black on white glazed card dated 22 Aug 1881 and signed, a die proof from the right of the sheet annotated '54/738 7.x11.85', another example from the top of the sheet annotated '55/739 7.x11.85', examples overprinted "specimen (7), two examples showing overprint double (Type 12), an example overprinted "cancelled" (Type 14), mint with 'Pear's Soap' advert in blue on reverse (2), deep purple showing variety "printed both sides" (BPA Certificate 1974), also photocopies of die proofs, slightly mixed condition though an interesting collection for the student. (Estimate £800 - £1200)
comprising ...more Great Britain. 1881 1d. Lilac. A comprehensive collection comprising Die I selection overprinted "specimen" (7) including a block of four with margin at top and an example with overprint double, an imprimatur from top of the sheet with '1' in pencil in margin, Die II includes an imprimatur, a die proof in black on white glazed card dated 22 Aug 1881 and signed, a die proof from the right of the sheet annotated '54/738 7.x11.85', another example from the top of the sheet annotated '55/739 7.x11.85', examples overprinted "specimen (7), two examples showing overprint double (Type 12), an example overprinted "cancelled" (Type 14), mint with 'Pear's Soap' advert in blue on reverse (2), deep purple showing variety "printed both sides" (BPA Certificate 1974), also photocopies of die proofs, slightly mixed condition though an interesting collection for the student. (Estimate £800 - £1200)
Spink London
Lot 5584 (x)
7 more pictures.
Great Britain. 1881 1d. Lilac. A mint and used group on pages of
1d. ...more Great Britain. 1881 1d. Lilac. A mint and used group on pages of 1d. lilac overprints used in the British Empire comprising British Bechuanaland 1d. lilac handstamped 'specimen' in violet, used examples (22) including multiple of fourteen cancelled by c.d.s's of 'PALLA 6 Sep 93', Bechuanaland Protectorate overprinted 'specimen'(2) and unused examples (14) including singles, a block of four and a pair, used (16) including vertical pair tied to envelope to Bulawayo by Palapye c.d.s, Mafeking 3d. on 1d. lilac used (3), Niger Oil Rivers 1d. bisected on small piece, mixed condition though an interesting and valuable selection. (Estimate £600 - £800)
1d. ...more Great Britain. 1881 1d. Lilac. A mint and used group on pages of 1d. lilac overprints used in the British Empire comprising British Bechuanaland 1d. lilac handstamped 'specimen' in violet, used examples (22) including multiple of fourteen cancelled by c.d.s's of 'PALLA 6 Sep 93', Bechuanaland Protectorate overprinted 'specimen'(2) and unused examples (14) including singles, a block of four and a pair, used (16) including vertical pair tied to envelope to Bulawayo by Palapye c.d.s, Mafeking 3d. on 1d. lilac used (3), Niger Oil Rivers 1d. bisected on small piece, mixed condition though an interesting and valuable selection. (Estimate £600 - £800)
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