Lot 5004
1 more picture.

Egypt 1939 v on Dutch KLM Airmail cover from Cairo via Athens
Greece ...more Egypt 1939 v on Dutch KLM Airmail cover from Cairo via Athens Greece to Wien Austria
Greece ...more Egypt 1939 v on Dutch KLM Airmail cover from Cairo via Athens Greece to Wien Austria
Lot 5005
1 more picture.

Egypt 1941 WWII 10mx4 ccensored airmail cover by WS49 Flight ...more
Egypt 1941 WWII 10mx4 ccensored airmail cover by WS49 Flight via
Durban S. Africa redirected to London England
Lot 5006
1 more picture.

Egypt 1941 WWII 2v OAS censor airmail front w/ "NZ/ FPO 1" cancel
via ...more Egypt 1941 WWII 2v OAS censor airmail front w/ "NZ/ FPO 1" cancel via Sydney Australia to Wellington redirected to Lower Hutt New Zealand
via ...more Egypt 1941 WWII 2v OAS censor airmail front w/ "NZ/ FPO 1" cancel via Sydney Australia to Wellington redirected to Lower Hutt New Zealand
Lot 5007
1 more picture.

Egypt 1941 WWII 3v censored airmail cover from Alexandria delayed
by ...more Egypt 1941 WWII 3v censored airmail cover from Alexandria delayed by Iraq Revolt via Bahrain/ Karachi to Bombay India
by ...more Egypt 1941 WWII 3v censored airmail cover from Alexandria delayed by Iraq Revolt via Bahrain/ Karachi to Bombay India
Lot 5008

Egypt 1946 7v Arab Kings & Chiefs of Staes at "INCHAAS" meeting
Flags ...more Egypt 1946 7v Arab Kings & Chiefs of Staes at "INCHAAS" meeting Flags illustrated FDC from Cairo
Flags ...more Egypt 1946 7v Arab Kings & Chiefs of Staes at "INCHAAS" meeting Flags illustrated FDC from Cairo
Lot 5009

Egypt 1934 4x1m King Faud I on cover from Cairo to water village ...more
Egypt 1934 4x1m King Faud I on cover from Cairo to water village NH
Lot 5010
2 more pictures.

Egypt 1853 stampless cover w/ letter w/ Paq. Anglais 10 Fevr. 153
cds ...more Egypt 1853 stampless cover w/ letter w/ Paq. Anglais 10 Fevr. 153 cds from Alexandria to Marseille France
cds ...more Egypt 1853 stampless cover w/ letter w/ Paq. Anglais 10 Fevr. 153 cds from Alexandria to Marseille France
Lot 5011

Egypt 1916 WWI 10m on censored cover from Alexandria to ...more
Egypt 1916 WWI 10m on censored cover from Alexandria to Muri
Lot 5012

Egypt 1937 100m pair+ 20m on airmail cover from Cairo to Rio ...more
Egypt 1937 100m pair+ 20m on airmail cover from Cairo to Rio De
Janeiro Brazil
Lot 5014

Egypt Pyramids 4mx6 w/ Crown ovpt on cover from Cataract Hotel,
Aswan ...more Egypt Pyramids 4mx6 w/ Crown ovpt on cover from Cataract Hotel, Aswan to Chur Switzerland
Aswan ...more Egypt Pyramids 4mx6 w/ Crown ovpt on cover from Cataract Hotel, Aswan to Chur Switzerland
Lot 5016

Egypt Pyramids & Sphinx 5 Para used center inverted error ...more
Egypt Pyramids & Sphinx 5 Para used center inverted error variety
Current Time: Tuesday February 18th 2025 - 15:18 MET