Lot 2044

Nicaragua 1933 6v with ovpt on Pan American Airways Airmail cover
to ...more Nicaragua 1933 6v with ovpt on Pan American Airways Airmail cover to Germany
to ...more Nicaragua 1933 6v with ovpt on Pan American Airways Airmail cover to Germany
Lot 2046

Nicaragua 1936 YNLF Radio Broadcast card w/ red Official ovpt on ...more
Nicaragua 1936 YNLF Radio Broadcast card w/ red Official ovpt on 1c
redirected within Portland Oregon USA
Lot 2047

Nicaragua 1937 UPU 5c+ 3 4v Perf + Imperf unused center ...more
Nicaragua 1937 UPU 5c+ 3 4v Perf + Imperf unused center inverted
error variety stamp+ sheets
Current Time: Friday February 14th 2025 - 18:58 MET