Lot 7036

India Chamba State 1900-47 QV - KGVI 47 MNH/ MH stamp collection ...more
India Chamba State 1900-47 QV - KGVI 47 MNH/ MH stamp collection SG
75, 86-89, 93, 103, 117-20 CV £436
Lot 7037

India Gwalior State 1885-1949 QV - KGVI including 9p s/c on 1a ...more
India Gwalior State 1885-1949 QV - KGVI including 9p s/c on 1a 41
Mint stamp collection CV £335
Lot 7038

India Jhind State on QV-KGV various vals each identified by SG
number ...more India Jhind State on QV-KGV various vals each identified by SG number w/Cat value which stands at £350 MH
number ...more India Jhind State on QV-KGV various vals each identified by SG number w/Cat value which stands at £350 MH
Lot 7039

India Jind State 1886-1943 QV - KGVI ½a-10Rs 50 Mint ...more
India Jind State 1886-1943 QV - KGVI ½a-10Rs 50 Mint stamp
collection CV £380
Lot 7040

India Nabha State 1885-1945 QV - KGVI Official 61 MNH/ MH/ Used
stamp ...more India Nabha State 1885-1945 QV - KGVI Official 61 MNH/ MH/ Used stamp collection CV £420
stamp ...more India Nabha State 1885-1945 QV - KGVI Official 61 MNH/ MH/ Used stamp collection CV £420
Lot 7041

India Alwar State ¼ax10 grey blue, SG 1c on locally used ...more
India Alwar State ¼ax10 grey blue, SG 1c on locally used cover
cancelled with native seal
Lot 7042

India Barwani State 4as olive-green, SG 36B used on native
Registered ...more India Barwani State 4as olive-green, SG 36B used on native Registered cover
Registered ...more India Barwani State 4as olive-green, SG 36B used on native Registered cover
Lot 7044

India Bundi State ¼a, SG73a uprated on KGVI 9p postcard (CV ...more
India Bundi State ¼a, SG73a uprated on KGVI 9p postcard (CV £100)
to Ajmer
Lot 7045

India Bundi State 1894 Dagger ½a slate-grey on laid paper w/ ...more
India Bundi State 1894 Dagger ½a slate-grey on laid paper w/ close
margins, SG 2 on locally used cover
Lot 7046

India Cochin State 6p strip of 3 on Regd cover cancelled with ...more
India Cochin State 6p strip of 3 on Regd cover cancelled with "C/2"
within circle of bars
Lot 7047

India Hyderabad State 1a Official pair, 1 w/ INVERTED ovpt, SG ...more
India Hyderabad State 1a Official pair, 1 w/ INVERTED ovpt, SG 041,
41a on BPA certified Regd cover
Lot 7048

India Hyderabad State ½a rose-red, SG 13e, strip of 3 & 4 on ...more
India Hyderabad State ½a rose-red, SG 13e, strip of 3 & 4 on Regd
cover w/ native script cancels
Lot 7049

India Idar State 1 anna SG 4 scarce unused Exploded booklet 32
stamps ...more India Idar State 1 anna SG 4 scarce unused Exploded booklet 32 stamps CV £128
stamps ...more India Idar State 1 anna SG 4 scarce unused Exploded booklet 32 stamps CV £128
Lot 7050

India Holkar/ Indore State ½a violet-brown Regd envelope uprated ...more
India Holkar/ Indore State ½a violet-brown Regd envelope uprated w/
1ax3 green, SG 7 to Soondail
Lot 7051

India Indore State 1889 ½a black/pink, SG 3, cut to shape+ SG 4 ...more
India Indore State 1889 ½a black/pink, SG 3, cut to shape+ SG 4 w/
good margins on locally used cover
Lot 7052

India Jammu & Kashmir State ¼a pale brown, SG 142 uprated on QV ...more
India Jammu & Kashmir State ¼a pale brown, SG 142 uprated on QV ¼a
postcard, Jain P1 to Calcutta
Lot 7053

India Jammu & Kashmir State 1a brown orange+ QV ½a blue pair+ ...more
India Jammu & Kashmir State 1a brown orange+ QV ½a blue pair+ 4as
green mixed franked cover from Kashmir to Paris France via Murree,
Bombay, Brindisi Italy
Lot 7054

India Kishangarh State ½a pale yellow green, SG 2, pane of ...more
India Kishangarh State ½a pale yellow green, SG 2, pane of 4+
vertical pair on Regd cover used locally
Lot 7056

India Jaipur State 1950 2v Rajasthan ovpt+ 1a uprated on ¼a ...more
India Jaipur State 1950 2v Rajasthan ovpt+ 1a uprated on ¼a Regd
postcard, Deschl Type OC9
Lot 7058

India Saurashtra State 1868-75 1a black on Azure laid ...more
India Saurashtra State 1868-75 1a black on Azure laid paper,
marginal, SG 11 on part cover cancelled w/ oval intaglio seal, Wood
Type PM4
Lot 7059

India Travancore 1868 1ch strip of 3 on Regd cover cancelled ...more
India Travancore 1868 1ch strip of 3 on Regd cover cancelled with
circle of bars w/ Postage Due spiral cachet & cds in native script
Lot 7060

India Travancore State 1951 2v w/ s/c on Chatrapati Shivaji PPC ...more
India Travancore State 1951 2v w/ s/c on Chatrapati Shivaji PPC w/
"Anchal AO, TAD" cancel
Lot 7062

Pakistan Bahawalpur CF Revenue 1a-10Rs each with WATERLOW & ...more
Pakistan Bahawalpur CF Revenue 1a-10Rs each with WATERLOW & SONS
"SPECIMEN" overprint very scarce set
Lot 7064

India Charkhari State 1942-48 1a, dull grey & grey pair+ black
pair, ...more India Charkhari State 1942-48 1a, dull grey & grey pair+ black pair, Imperf, wove paper, Court Fee w/ English & Hindi letters broken & omitted
pair, ...more India Charkhari State 1942-48 1a, dull grey & grey pair+ black pair, Imperf, wove paper, Court Fee w/ English & Hindi letters broken & omitted
Lot 7065

India 1940 Dewas State Junior, 4v Revenue document - K&M ...more
India 1940 Dewas State Junior, 4v Revenue document - K&M Type
Current Time: Friday February 14th 2025 - 19:21 MET