Lot 5022

French West Africa Ivory Coast 1950 6v airmail cover from Aboisso
to ...more French West Africa Ivory Coast 1950 6v airmail cover from Aboisso to Lyon France
to ...more French West Africa Ivory Coast 1950 6v airmail cover from Aboisso to Lyon France
Lot 5023

French West Africa Ivory Coast 1951 5f pair on airmail cover ...more
French West Africa Ivory Coast 1951 5f pair on airmail cover from
Bondougou to Lyon France
Lot 5024

French West Africa Guinea 1952 15f airmail cover from Boffa ...more
French West Africa Guinea 1952 15f airmail cover from Boffa via
Conakry to Lyon France
Lot 5025

French Ivory Coast 1941 WWII 10f on Regd airmail cancelled w/ ...more
French Ivory Coast 1941 WWII 10f on Regd airmail cancelled w/ black
cross bars cover from Abidjan to Bern Switzerland
Lot 5026
1 more picture.

French Africa Madagascar 1938 3v airmail cover from Tananarive ...more
French Africa Madagascar 1938 3v airmail cover from Tananarive to
Marseille France
Lot 5027
1 more picture.

French Africa Madagascar 1939 WWII 4v war time military ...more
French Africa Madagascar 1939 WWII 4v war time military censored
airmail cover from Tulear to Marseille France
Lot 5028
1 more picture.

French Africa Madagascar 1937 3v airmail cover from Diego Suarez ...more
French Africa Madagascar 1937 3v airmail cover from Diego Suarez to
Paris France
Lot 5029

French Madagascar 1929 50c pair + 1v on cover to NY USA Indo Chine
w/ ...more French Madagascar 1929 50c pair + 1v on cover to NY USA Indo Chine w/ cachet
w/ ...more French Madagascar 1929 50c pair + 1v on cover to NY USA Indo Chine w/ cachet
Current Time: Friday February 14th 2025 - 20:14 MET