Lot 3001
1 more picture.

Australia 1941 WWII 9d censored airmail "FPO25" Tocra Libya cover
via ...more Australia 1941 WWII 9d censored airmail "FPO25" Tocra Libya cover via Egypt/ Sydney to Yankalilla Australia
via ...more Australia 1941 WWII 9d censored airmail "FPO25" Tocra Libya cover via Egypt/ Sydney to Yankalilla Australia
Lot 3002
1 more picture.

Australia 1940 WWII 2v censored airmail cover via Singapore ...more
Australia 1940 WWII 2v censored airmail cover via Singapore to
Haiphong Vietnam French Indochina
Lot 3003
1 more picture.

Australia 1942 WWII 4v censored airmail cover via Durban South
Africa ...more Australia 1942 WWII 4v censored airmail cover via Durban South Africa redirected within London England
Africa ...more Australia 1942 WWII 4v censored airmail cover via Durban South Africa redirected within London England
Lot 3004
2 more pictures.

Australia Queensland India 1937 4v mixed franked Coronation ...more
Australia Queensland India 1937 4v mixed franked Coronation Day
signed FFC by Mrs. Bonney in Monoplane "My Little Ship II" to South
Lot 3005

Australia New Guinea 1934 JGV, Birds 4v First Official Flight
Airmail ...more Australia New Guinea 1934 JGV, Birds 4v First Official Flight Airmail cover
Airmail ...more Australia New Guinea 1934 JGV, Birds 4v First Official Flight Airmail cover
Lot 3006

Australia 150th Anniversary New South Wales 5v Regd Airmail FDC,
from ...more Australia 150th Anniversary New South Wales 5v Regd Airmail FDC, from Brisbane to Sundbyberg Sweden via Athens Greece
from ...more Australia 150th Anniversary New South Wales 5v Regd Airmail FDC, from Brisbane to Sundbyberg Sweden via Athens Greece
Lot 3007

Australia 1934 3v on special format Regd "Opening of Airmail ...more
Australia 1934 3v on special format Regd "Opening of Airmail with
England" cover, from Brisbane to Stockholm Sweden via Athens Greece
Lot 3010

Australia Foundation of Commonwealth & Aboriginal art 3v Regd
Airmail ...more Australia Foundation of Commonwealth & Aboriginal art 3v Regd Airmail cover from New South Wales to Budapest Hungary
Airmail ...more Australia Foundation of Commonwealth & Aboriginal art 3v Regd Airmail cover from New South Wales to Budapest Hungary
Lot 3011

New South Wales Australia 1907 4v on Regd cover from Lockhart ...more
New South Wales Australia 1907 4v on Regd cover from Lockhart to
Hobart Tasmania
Lot 3012

Australia 1940 WWII men munitions material Cowra NSW regd FDC ...more
Australia 1940 WWII men munitions material Cowra NSW regd FDC to
Lot 3013

Australia 1947 pair of 3 Newcastle Sesquicentenary Airmail FDC ...more
Australia 1947 pair of 3 Newcastle Sesquicentenary Airmail FDC to
Lot 3014

Australia 1945 WWII 2sh on RAAF Censor airmail cover w/ "OAT"
cachet ...more Australia 1945 WWII 2sh on RAAF Censor airmail cover w/ "OAT" cachet in red via Brisbane QLD to Netherlands
cachet ...more Australia 1945 WWII 2sh on RAAF Censor airmail cover w/ "OAT" cachet in red via Brisbane QLD to Netherlands
Lot 3015

Australia 1954 Royal Visit 2sh on cover from Sydney NSW to ...more
Australia 1954 Royal Visit 2sh on cover from Sydney NSW to London
Lot 3016

Australia Tasmania 1854 4d orange Imperf octagonal on cover w/ ...more
Australia Tasmania 1854 4d orange Imperf octagonal on cover w/ "8"
mark to Launceston England
Lot 3017

Victoria Australia 1896 QV 1d postcard Taxed 5c w/ boxed ...more
Victoria Australia 1896 QV 1d postcard Taxed 5c w/ boxed "FOREIGN
POSTAGE DUE" cachet via Colombo Ceylon/ Tuticorin/ Jalpaiguri to
Darjeeling redirected to Calcutta India
Current Time: Tuesday February 18th 2025 - 12:51 MET