Lot 6051

Greece 1902 Acropolis of Athens 5l PPC uprated by 5l to ...more
Greece 1902 Acropolis of Athens 5l PPC uprated by 5l to Dorchester
Massachusetts USA via New York
Lot 6052

Greece 1897 Temple D'Eole Avec L'Agora UPU PPC w/ 4v from Athens ...more
Greece 1897 Temple D'Eole Avec L'Agora UPU PPC w/ 4v from Athens to
Stuttgart Germany
Lot 6053

Greece 1916 WWI 20v franked on both sides of censored Regd cover
from ...more Greece 1916 WWI 20v franked on both sides of censored Regd cover from Edessa to Switzerland
from ...more Greece 1916 WWI 20v franked on both sides of censored Regd cover from Edessa to Switzerland
Lot 6054

Greece 1937 2v cross ovpt+ 4v on airmail cover from Athens ...more
Greece 1937 2v cross ovpt+ 4v on airmail cover from Athens to
Current Time: Friday February 14th 2025 - 20:20 MET