Gert Müller Auctions
Lot 2793


25 Pfg. Germania mit Aufdruck "LIBAU" in violettblau, Type II, ...more
25 Pfg. Germania mit Aufdruck "LIBAU" in violettblau, Type II, farbfrisch und perfekt gezähnt auf wunderschönem weißem Briefstück mit gestochen klarem voll aufgesetztem Stegstempel "DEUTSCHE FELDPOST 4.1.19.". Luxus! Fotoattest "ECHT UND EINWANDFREI" Huylmans BPP
Automatically generated translation:
25 Pfg. Germania with overprint "LIBAU" in violet blue, type II, fresh colours and perfect perforated on beautiful white letter piece with pricked clear full mounted bridge cancel "German army postal service 4.1.19. ". Outstanding quality! Photo expertize "genuine and immaculate" Huylmans BPP
Automatically generated translation:
25 Pfg. Germania with overprint "LIBAU" in violet blue, type II, fresh colours and perfect perforated on beautiful white letter piece with pricked clear full mounted bridge cancel "German army postal service 4.1.19. ". Outstanding quality! Photo expertize "genuine and immaculate" Huylmans BPP
Gert Müller Auctions
Lot 2794


50 Pfg. Germania mit violettblauem Aufdruck "LIBAU" in Type II, ...more
50 Pfg. Germania mit violettblauem Aufdruck "LIBAU" in Type II, farbfrisch und perfekt gezähnt auf wunderschönem Briefstück mit klarem voll aufgesetztem Stegstempel "DEUTSCHE FELDPOST 4.1.19.". Luxus! Fotoattest "ECHT UND EINWANDFREI" Huylmans BPP
Automatically generated translation:
50 Pfg. Germania with violet blue overprint "LIBAU" in type II, fresh colours and perfect perforated on beautiful letter piece with clear full mounted bridge cancel "German army postal service 4.1.19. ". Outstanding quality! Photo expertize "genuine and immaculate" Huylmans BPP
Automatically generated translation:
50 Pfg. Germania with violet blue overprint "LIBAU" in type II, fresh colours and perfect perforated on beautiful letter piece with clear full mounted bridge cancel "German army postal service 4.1.19. ". Outstanding quality! Photo expertize "genuine and immaculate" Huylmans BPP
Current Time: Monday February 10th 2025 - 20:21 MET