Gert Müller Auctions
Lot 2766

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Nordlandfahrt 1930, dekorative Zeppelinkarte mit vier Flugpostwerten ...more
Nordlandfahrt 1930, dekorative Zeppelinkarte mit vier Flugpostwerten und klaren Ovalstempeln "DANZIG LUFTPOST 23.6.30.", sowie grünem Sonderbestätigungsstempel "LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN NORDLAND-FAHRTEN 1930" mit Ankunftsstempel "HAMMERFEST 10.VII.30.". (Sieger Nr. 73A)
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North country trip 1930, decorative Zeppelin postcard with four airmail value and clearly oval cancels "Gdansk airmail 23.6.30. ", as well green special confirmation postmark "airship Count Zeppelin North country travels 1930" with arrival postmark "HAMMERFEST 10. VII. 30. ". (winner number 73 A)
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North country trip 1930, decorative Zeppelin postcard with four airmail value and clearly oval cancels "Gdansk airmail 23.6.30. ", as well green special confirmation postmark "airship Count Zeppelin North country travels 1930" with arrival postmark "HAMMERFEST 10. VII. 30. ". (winner number 73 A)
Gert Müller Auctions
Lot 2767


Landungsfahrt nach Wien 1931, sehr schöne Zeppelinkarte mit drei ...more
Landungsfahrt nach Wien 1931, sehr schöne Zeppelinkarte mit drei Flugpostwerten und klaren Ovalstempeln "DANZIG LUFTPOST 7.7.31." mit blauem Sonderbestätigungsstempel "LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN LANDUNGSFAHRT NACH WIEN 1931", sowie Transit- und Ankunftsstempeln von Friedrichshafen bzw. Wien. Selten! (Sieger-Nr. 116A)
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Fligth with landing to Vienna 1931, very nice Zeppelin postcard with three airmail value and clearly oval cancels "Gdansk airmail 7.7.31. " with blue special confirmation postmark "airship Count Zeppelin fligth with landing to Vienna 1931", as well transit and arrival postmarks from Friedrichshafen respectively Vienna. Rare! (Sieger number 116 A)
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Fligth with landing to Vienna 1931, very nice Zeppelin postcard with three airmail value and clearly oval cancels "Gdansk airmail 7.7.31. " with blue special confirmation postmark "airship Count Zeppelin fligth with landing to Vienna 1931", as well transit and arrival postmarks from Friedrichshafen respectively Vienna. Rare! (Sieger number 116 A)
Gert Müller Auctions
Lot 2768


Deutschlandfahrt 1939, attraktive Zeppelinkarte mit schöner ...more
Deutschlandfahrt 1939, attraktive Zeppelinkarte mit schöner Frankatur von vier Werten, aufgegeben in "DANZIG 28.7.39." mit rotem Sonderbestätigungsstempel und weiteren Zeppelinstempeln nach Danzig-Oliva. (Sieger-Nr. 460)
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Germany tour 1939, attractive Zeppelin postcard with beautiful franking from four values, mailed in "Gdansk 28.7.39. " with red special confirmation postmark and further Zeppelin stamp to Gdansk Oliva. (Sieger number 460)
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Germany tour 1939, attractive Zeppelin postcard with beautiful franking from four values, mailed in "Gdansk 28.7.39. " with red special confirmation postmark and further Zeppelin stamp to Gdansk Oliva. (Sieger number 460)
Gert Müller Auctions
Lot 2769
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Staatswappen im Oval 1936, das spektakuläre Markenheftchen zu 3 ...more
Staatswappen im Oval 1936, das spektakuläre Markenheftchen zu 3 Gulden "LANDESPOSTDIREKTION DER FREIEN STADT DANZIG" mit allen drei Heftchenblättern, wundervoll farbfrisch, ein minimaler üblicher leichter Aufklappbug im Heftchendeckel ist bedeutungslos, soweit in tadelloser Erhaltung. Es handelt sich hierbei um eines der schönsten bekannten Stücke dieser großen Danzig-Seltenheit, die nur in ganz wenigen Exemplaren bekannt geworden ist! Fotoattest "EINWANDFREIE ERHALTUNG" Dr. Oechsner BPP und weiteres Fotoattest "DAS SEHR SELTENE MARKENHEFTCHEN IST ECHT UND DIE MARKEN SIND ECHT UND IN EINWANDFREIER QUALITÄT" Gruber BPP
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National coat of arms in the oval 1936, the spectacular stamp booklet to 3 Guilder "Country postal service direction the free city of Danzig" with all three stamp booklet panes, wonderful fresh colours, a minimum normal slight folding slight crease in the booklet cover is meaningless, as far as in perfect condition. It is a matter herewith about of an of the most beautiful known pieces this large Gdansk rarity, the only in very few copies have become known is! Photo expertize "perfect quality" Dr. Oechsner BPP and further photo expertize "the very scarce stamp booklet is genuine and the stamps are genuine and IN perfect quality" Gruber BPP
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National coat of arms in the oval 1936, the spectacular stamp booklet to 3 Guilder "Country postal service direction the free city of Danzig" with all three stamp booklet panes, wonderful fresh colours, a minimum normal slight folding slight crease in the booklet cover is meaningless, as far as in perfect condition. It is a matter herewith about of an of the most beautiful known pieces this large Gdansk rarity, the only in very few copies have become known is! Photo expertize "perfect quality" Dr. Oechsner BPP and further photo expertize "the very scarce stamp booklet is genuine and the stamps are genuine and IN perfect quality" Gruber BPP
Gert Müller Auctions
Lot 2770
9 more pictures.


ESPERANTO-GANZSACHENSERIE ECHT GELAUFEN: 20 Pfg. rot, Bildpost-Ganzsachen zum 19. Esperanto-Kongress 1927, die komplette Serie von 11 Ganzsachen mit verschiedenen Abbildungen tadellos und echt gelaufen, portogerecht verwendet mit SST "DANZIG XIX UNIV. CONGRESO DE ESPERANTO" mit verschiedenen Abgangsdaten über die Dauer des Kongresses nach Den Haag/Holland mit holländischen Nummern-Ankunftsstempeln. Alle Karten mit rückseitigen Texten in Esperanto. Als vollständige echt gelaufene Serie, zumal portogerecht verwendet, handelt es sich höchstwahrscheinlich um eine einmalige Garnitur. Eine Zierde für die anspruchsvolle Danzig-Spezialsammlung!
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ESPERANTO postal stationery series genuine postally used: 20 Pfg. Red, picture post postal stationery to the 19. ESPERANTO-CONGRESS 1927, the complete set from 11 postal stationery with different illustrations sound and genuine postally used, properly franked used with special cancel "Gdansk XIX UNIV. CONGRESO DE ESPERANTO" with different Abgangsdaten over the duration of the congress to the Haag / Holland with Dutch numbers arrival postmarks. All cards with on the back texts in Esperanto. As complete genuine used set, particularly since properly franked used, it concerns an most likely about an unique set. A Honor for the sophisticated Gdansk special collection!
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ESPERANTO postal stationery series genuine postally used: 20 Pfg. Red, picture post postal stationery to the 19. ESPERANTO-CONGRESS 1927, the complete set from 11 postal stationery with different illustrations sound and genuine postally used, properly franked used with special cancel "Gdansk XIX UNIV. CONGRESO DE ESPERANTO" with different Abgangsdaten over the duration of the congress to the Haag / Holland with Dutch numbers arrival postmarks. All cards with on the back texts in Esperanto. As complete genuine used set, particularly since properly franked used, it concerns an most likely about an unique set. A Honor for the sophisticated Gdansk special collection!
Current Time: Monday February 10th 2025 - 21:20 MET