Gert Müller Auctions
Lot 2864


Rotes Kreuz-Block 1949, Type II, tadellos mit zentrischem rotem SST ...more
Rotes Kreuz-Block 1949, Type II, tadellos mit zentrischem rotem SST "FREIBURG 29.5.49.", geprüft Schlegel BPP. Mi. 2800,- Euro
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Red cross souvenir sheet 1949, type II, sound with centered red special cancel "FREIBURG 29.5.49. ", expertized Schlegel BPP. Michel 2800,- Euro
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Red cross souvenir sheet 1949, type II, sound with centered red special cancel "FREIBURG 29.5.49. ", expertized Schlegel BPP. Michel 2800,- Euro
Gert Müller Auctions
Lot 2865


Rotes Kreuz-Block 1949, Type II, sauber zentrisch und klar gest. ...more
Rotes Kreuz-Block 1949, Type II, sauber zentrisch und klar gest. "FREIBURG 10.3.49.". Fotoattest "ECHT UND EINWANDFREI" Straub BPP. Mi. 1800,- Euro
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Red cross souvenir sheet 1949, type II, clean centric and neat cancelled "FREIBURG 10.3.49. ". Photo expertize "genuine and immaculate" Straub BPP. Michel 1800,- Euro
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Red cross souvenir sheet 1949, type II, clean centric and neat cancelled "FREIBURG 10.3.49. ". Photo expertize "genuine and immaculate" Straub BPP. Michel 1800,- Euro
Gert Müller Auctions
Lot 2866


6 Pfg. Hölderlin 1948 ungezähnt im waagerechten Paar mit ...more
6 Pfg. Hölderlin 1948 ungezähnt im waagerechten Paar mit Zusatzfrankatur auf sehr schönem Eilbotenbrief von "FELDSTETTEN 15.5.48" nach Ulm mit Ankunftsstempel. Es sind nur ganz wenige Briefe mit dieser Abart bekannt geworden, die zu den Seltenheiten der Französischen Zone zählen!
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6 Pfg. Hölderlin 1948 imperforated in a horizontal pair with additional franking on very nice special delivery letter from "FELDSTETTEN 15.5.48" to Ulm with arrival postmark. There are only very few letters with of this variety have become known, the to the rarities of the French Zone count!
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6 Pfg. Hölderlin 1948 imperforated in a horizontal pair with additional franking on very nice special delivery letter from "FELDSTETTEN 15.5.48" to Ulm with arrival postmark. There are only very few letters with of this variety have become known, the to the rarities of the French Zone count!
Gert Müller Auctions
Lot 2867

Gustav Werner 1949, tadelloser Ministerblock mit beiden Werten, ...more
Gustav Werner 1949, tadelloser Ministerblock mit beiden Werten, farbfrisch und in Originalgröße in tadelloser Erhaltung. Sehr geringe Auflage und im Michel unterbewertet!
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Gustav Werner 1949, impeccable Secretary of State souvenir sheet with both values, fresh colours and in original size in perfect condition. Very small edition and by Michel undervalued!
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Gustav Werner 1949, impeccable Secretary of State souvenir sheet with both values, fresh colours and in original size in perfect condition. Very small edition and by Michel undervalued!
Current Time: Monday February 10th 2025 - 20:50 MET