Spink London
Lot 5680 (x)
Great Britain. King George VI Issues. A mint and used collection ...more
Great Britain. King George VI Issues. A mint and used collection on
pages housed in a box, including 1937 Coronation issues with unused
example showing variety 'colon flaw' and examples used on cover,
1937-47 ½d. to 1/- in marginal blocks of six mint, a selection of
multiples with barred cancels, 1939-48 high values set in singles
mint and in blocks of four except dark blue shade but with
duplicate £1 block, used on pages with covers, blocks and different
frankings, 1948 Silver Wedding issues including mint and used sets,
a mint marginal corner block of four and covers (3), 1940 Centenary
set of six in blocks of four mint, used range on covers etc, 1949
U.P.U. and Festival of Britain selection; Coronation seals (70+),
Coronation souvenir stamps in sheets of twelve (6), also a range of
airmails, R.A.F mail (7) and Salvaged WW2 mail (15+), much postal
history throughout is addressed to South Africa, mixed condition
with viewing advised though unmounted mint noted (Estimate £400 -
Spink London
Lot 5681 (x)
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1958-61 Wilding issues ...more
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1958-61 Wilding issues on
pages, many hundreds, including 1958-65 watermark Crowns 3d.
tête-bêche pair and gutter pair, 3d. imperf. through top margin,
4½d. block of four on first day covers, 1958-61 graphite with 3d.
misplaced line, ½d. booklet pane (2), 1959 Phosphor-graphite set,
2d, watermark error, 1960-67 Phosphor 2d. 1 band, single and
cylinder number bloc of six, 2½d. two bands, wmk. inverted, booklet
panes, covers with special events, training bars, etc., chiefly
fine (Estimate £300 - £400)
Spink London
Lot 5682 (x)
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1958 5d. brown ...more
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1958 5d. brown (watermark
multiple crown, cream paper), imperforate imprimatur block of four
with "npm imprimatur" handstamp on reverse; unmounted mint and very
fine. S.G. 578var (Estimate £400 - £600)
Spink London
Lot 5683 (x)
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1959 3d. deep ...more
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1959 3d. deep violet
'Dollis Hill Phosphor Trial', horizontal pair on gummed, watermark
crowns (upright) paper, with one 4mm. phosphor centre band printed
over the ink; unmounted, fine and scarce. Spec. ST7(3)e (Estimate
£80 - £100)
Spink London
Lot 5684
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1961 Post Office ...more
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1961 Post Office Savings
Bank 3d. variety orange-brown omitted, two singles, unmounted mint.
S.G. 623Aa, £1000 (Estimate £300 - £400)
Spink London
Lot 5685
652a, c
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1963 Geographical
Congress ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1963 Geographical Congress 4d. varieties violet (face value) omitted and violet and red-brown (dock walls) omitted, unmounted mint. S.G. 652a, c, £650. (2) (Estimate £220 - £280)
Congress ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1963 Geographical Congress 4d. varieties violet (face value) omitted and violet and red-brown (dock walls) omitted, unmounted mint. S.G. 652a, c, £650. (2) (Estimate £220 - £280)
Spink London
Lot 5685A (x)
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1964 Tenth ...more
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1964 Tenth International
Botanical Congress 3d. with sage green (leaves) omitted from the
upper left corner of the sheet, very fine unmounted mint, offered
together with normal for comparison. A superb example of this
exceptionally rare modern error. S.G. 655b, £14,000 (Estimate £3000
- £4000)
Spink London
Lot 5686
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1964 10th ...more
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1964 10th International
Botanical Conference 1/3d. imperforate imprimatur horizontal pair
from the left of the sheet, unmounted mint and with "bpma"
handstamps on the reverse. Very fine and scarce. S.G. 658var
(Estimate £600 - £800)
Spink London
Lot 5687
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1964 Forth Road Bridge
6d. ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1964 Forth Road Bridge 6d. variety light blue omitted cancelled by part commemorative first day c.d.s. (Estimate £600)
6d. ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1964 Forth Road Bridge 6d. variety light blue omitted cancelled by part commemorative first day c.d.s. (Estimate £600)
Spink London
Lot 5688
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1965 Joseph Lister ...more
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1965 Joseph Lister 4d.
variety brown-red (tube) omitted in a vertical strip of three with
two normal, unmounted mint. S.G. 667, £475 (Estimate £150 - £180)
Spink London
Lot 5689
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1965 Post Office Tower
3d. ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1965 Post Office Tower 3d. variety olive-yellow (tower) omitted, unmounted mint. S.G. 679a, £4250. Photo (Estimate £1200 - £1500)
3d. ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1965 Post Office Tower 3d. variety olive-yellow (tower) omitted, unmounted mint. S.G. 679a, £4250. Photo (Estimate £1200 - £1500)
Spink London
Lot 5690
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1965 Post Office Tower
3d. ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1965 Post Office Tower 3d. variety olive-yellow (tower) omitted, fine used with neat c.d.s. at foot dated 1965 (17 Dec.). Cat. £2000. Photo (Estimate £600 - £800)
3d. ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1965 Post Office Tower 3d. variety olive-yellow (tower) omitted, fine used with neat c.d.s. at foot dated 1965 (17 Dec.). Cat. £2000. Photo (Estimate £600 - £800)
Spink London
Lot 5691
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 World Cup 6d.
variety ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 World Cup 6d. variety black omitted in a left margin block of four, unmounted mint. S.G. 694a, £640 (Estimate £200 - £240)
variety ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 World Cup 6d. variety black omitted in a left margin block of four, unmounted mint. S.G. 694a, £640 (Estimate £200 - £240)
Spink London
Lot 5692
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 World Cup ...more
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 World Cup 1/3d.
variety blue omitted, a left margin single, unmounted mint. S.G.
695a, £300 (Estimate £100 - £140)
Spink London
Lot 5693
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 British Birds ...more
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 British Birds 4d.
variety emerald-green omitted, six blocks of four being the lower
four sheet rows with cylinder number and traffic lights, unmounted
mint. S.G. 696-699d, £840 (Estimate £240 - £280)
Spink London
Lot 5694
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 British Birds ...more
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 British Birds 4d.
variety bright blue omitted, six blocks of four being the lower
four sheet rows with cylinder number and traffic lights, unmounted
mint. S.G. 696-699g, £2700 (Estimate £700 - £900)
Spink London
Lot 5695
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 British Birds ...more
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 British Birds 4d.
variety bright blue omitted, in a right margin block of four,
unmounted mint. S.G. 696-699g, £450 (Estimate £150 - £180)
Spink London
Lot 5696
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 British Birds ...more
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 British Birds 4d.
variety reddish brown omitted, six blocks of four being the lower
four sheet rows with cylinder number and traffic lights, unmounted
mint. S.G. 696-699j, £600 (Estimate £200 - £240)
Spink London
Lot 5697
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 British Birds ...more
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 British Birds 4d.
block of four variety greenish yellow omitted, unmounted mint. S.G.
696d, £600 (Estimate £150 - £180)
Spink London
Lot 5698
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 British Birds, a
group ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 British Birds, a group of missing colours in blocks of four with emerald green plain and phosphor, bistre and reddish brown plain and phosphor, unmounted mint. Cat. £640. (5 blocks) (Estimate £180 - £240)
group ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 British Birds, a group of missing colours in blocks of four with emerald green plain and phosphor, bistre and reddish brown plain and phosphor, unmounted mint. Cat. £640. (5 blocks) (Estimate £180 - £240)
Spink London
Lot 5699
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 British Birds ...more
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 British Birds 4d.
block of four variety red omitted, with left margin, unmounted
mint. S.G. 696e, £600 (Estimate £150 - £180)
Spink London
Lot 5700
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 British Birds ...more
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 British Birds 4d.
phosphor variety bright blue omitted, block of four, unmounted
mint. S.G. 696-699pg, £2500. Photo (Estimate £700 - £900)
Spink London
Lot 5700A (x)
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 British Technology
6d. ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 British Technology 6d. red (mini-cars) omitted with sheet margin at left, unmounted mint and very fresh, a classic modern error and rarity. S.G. 702a, £10,000 (Estimate £2000 - £3000)
6d. ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 British Technology 6d. red (mini-cars) omitted with sheet margin at left, unmounted mint and very fresh, a classic modern error and rarity. S.G. 702a, £10,000 (Estimate £2000 - £3000)
Spink London
Lot 5701
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 Battle of Hastings
4d. ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 Battle of Hastings 4d. variety bistre omitted four rows from the foot of the sheet with cylinder number and traffic lights, unmounted mint. S.G. 705-710c, £960 (Estimate £300 - £350)
4d. ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 Battle of Hastings 4d. variety bistre omitted four rows from the foot of the sheet with cylinder number and traffic lights, unmounted mint. S.G. 705-710c, £960 (Estimate £300 - £350)
Spink London
Lot 5702
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 Battle of Hastings
4d. ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 Battle of Hastings 4d. variety deep blue omitted four rows from the foot of the sheet with cylinder number and traffic lights, unmounted mint. S.G. 705-710d, £1200 (Estimate £350 - £400)
4d. ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 Battle of Hastings 4d. variety deep blue omitted four rows from the foot of the sheet with cylinder number and traffic lights, unmounted mint. S.G. 705-710d, £1200 (Estimate £350 - £400)
Spink London
Lot 5703
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 Battle of Hastings
4d. ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 Battle of Hastings 4d. variety orange omitted four rows from the foot of the sheet with cylinder number and traffic lights, unmounted mint. S.G. 705-710d, £960 (Estimate £300 - £350)
4d. ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 Battle of Hastings 4d. variety orange omitted four rows from the foot of the sheet with cylinder number and traffic lights, unmounted mint. S.G. 705-710d, £960 (Estimate £300 - £350)
Spink London
Lot 5704
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 Battle of Hastings
4d. ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 Battle of Hastings 4d. variety magenta omitted four rows from the foot of the sheet with cylinder number and traffic lights, unmounted mint. S.G. 705-710f, £960 (Estimate £300 - £350)
4d. ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 Battle of Hastings 4d. variety magenta omitted four rows from the foot of the sheet with cylinder number and traffic lights, unmounted mint. S.G. 705-710f, £960 (Estimate £300 - £350)
Spink London
Lot 5705
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 Battle of Hastings
4d. ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 Battle of Hastings 4d. variety blue omitted four rows from the foot of the sheet with cylinder number and traffic lights, unmounted mint. S.G. 705-710h, £720 (Estimate £240 - £300)
4d. ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 Battle of Hastings 4d. variety blue omitted four rows from the foot of the sheet with cylinder number and traffic lights, unmounted mint. S.G. 705-710h, £720 (Estimate £240 - £300)
Spink London
Lot 5706
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 Battle of Hastings
4d. ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 Battle of Hastings 4d. phosphor variety olive-green omitted four rows from the foot of the sheet with cylinder number and traffic lights, unmounted mint. S.G. 705-710pb, £960 (Estimate £300 - £350)
4d. ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 Battle of Hastings 4d. phosphor variety olive-green omitted four rows from the foot of the sheet with cylinder number and traffic lights, unmounted mint. S.G. 705-710pb, £960 (Estimate £300 - £350)
Spink London
Lot 5707
Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 Battle of Hastings
4d. ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 Battle of Hastings 4d. phosphor variety green omitted four rows from the foot of the sheet with cylinder number and traffic lights, unmounted mint. S.G. 705-710pg, £912 (Estimate £300 - £350)
4d. ...more Great Britain. Queen Elizabeth II Issues. 1966 Battle of Hastings 4d. phosphor variety green omitted four rows from the foot of the sheet with cylinder number and traffic lights, unmounted mint. S.G. 705-710pg, £912 (Estimate £300 - £350)
Current Time: Friday January 17th 2025 - 08:52 MET