Lot 7009

Burma KGVI 2a Military Administration censored airmail cover ...more
Burma KGVI 2a Military Administration censored airmail cover w/
"FPO-4" cancel to Pallatur India
Lot 7010

Burma 1945 WWII KGVI 8ax12 Military Administration on Regd cover
sent ...more Burma 1945 WWII KGVI 8ax12 Military Administration on Regd cover sent within Rangoon
sent ...more Burma 1945 WWII KGVI 8ax12 Military Administration on Regd cover sent within Rangoon
Lot 7011

Burma ovpt on India KGV 8v 1937 "Burma's Separation from ...more
Burma ovpt on India KGV 8v 1937 "Burma's Separation from India"
airmail FDC from Rangoon to London England
Lot 7012

Burma 1946 New Year Greetings Regd airmail FDC w/ KGVI 7v,
including ...more Burma 1946 New Year Greetings Regd airmail FDC w/ KGVI 7v, including 1R from Rangoon to Scotland
including ...more Burma 1946 New Year Greetings Regd airmail FDC w/ KGVI 7v, including 1R from Rangoon to Scotland
Lot 7013

Burma 1946 KGVI Irrawaddy 8a pair on airmail cover w/ boxed ...more
Burma 1946 KGVI Irrawaddy 8a pair on airmail cover w/ boxed "OAT"
cachet in red to New York USA
Lot 7014

Burma ovpt on India KGV 4v 1938 airmail cover from Rangoon via
Athens ...more Burma ovpt on India KGV 4v 1938 airmail cover from Rangoon via Athens Greece to Prague Czechoslovakia
Athens ...more Burma ovpt on India KGV 4v 1938 airmail cover from Rangoon via Athens Greece to Prague Czechoslovakia
Lot 7015

Burma Japanese occupation 1943 WWII Shan State 7v, Lithographs ...more
Burma Japanese occupation 1943 WWII Shan State 7v, Lithographs w/
ovpt on cover to Postmaster at Poung
Lot 7016

Burma Mandalay Centenary, Royal Palace folder w/ overprinted 3v
used ...more Burma Mandalay Centenary, Royal Palace folder w/ overprinted 3v used stamps
used ...more Burma Mandalay Centenary, Royal Palace folder w/ overprinted 3v used stamps
Current Time: Friday February 14th 2025 - 19:08 MET