France: National Symbols - Gallic Rooster

2015/04/01 | Categories: News, Articles

(mm) In honor of the world famous Gallic Rooster France issued a 10 Euro silver coin (333/1,000; 500,000 copies mint; 10,000 copies proof), a 100 Euro silver coin (900/1,000; 15,000 copies mint) and a 250 Euro gold coin (999/1,000; 25,000 copies mint). All coins bear the same theme and show a stylized Gallic Rooster in front of the French national flag on their reverse. Its head rests in a circle flanked by the national motto "LIBERTÉ ÉGALITÉ FRATERNITÉ" on the left followed by the year of issue further to the left. The obverse shows a composition of a laurel-oak twig enclosed in a hexagon as well as country of issue and denomination including the Euro symbol. ...more

Mauritius Post Office original plate

2015/03/12 | Categories: News, Articles

EUROPHILEX LONDON 2015 presents a philatelic sensation: the re-discovered original printing plate of the Mauritius post office stamps! ...more

In memoriam Ladislav Dvořáček

2015/01/27 | Categories: News

2015-01-27 wm The Czech Philatelic Society's president Vit Vanicek announced the recent passing of renowned philatelist, society official, certifier and expert Ladislav Dvořáček on January 26, 2015 via the FEPA's (Federation of European Philatelic Associations) home page. Dvořáček was born on June 27, 1923 in Nachod and lived in Prague. He studied Engineering and Economics at the technical college and university and worked as a staff manager for economics until 1985. Dvořáček was... ...more

Ernst Schlunegger honored with the 2014 Anton Abele medal

2015/01/27 | Categories: News

2015-01-26 wm Since 2013, the „Schweizer Briefmarken-Zeitung“ (SBZ, swiss philatelic journal)  is awarding the Anton Abele medal for philatelic literature to distinctive authors annually. On November 29, 2014 Dr. Ernst Schlunegger was awarded the medal by Hans Schwarz, SBZ's editor-in-chief, for his extraordinary lifetime achievements in his domain. Dr. Schlunegger who is also a member of the AIJP (Association Internationale des Journalistes Philatéliques) and the BDPh's (German... ...more

NOTOS 2015: Ein ganz besonderes Ereignis

2015/01/21 | Categories: Announcements, Messen

(Anthony Virvilis/wm) Der Verband Griechischer Philatelisten (
organisiert eine Internationale Briefmarkenausstellung mit dem 
Titel „NOTOS“ (griechisch für „Süden“), die vom 12. bis 15. November 2015 in Athen
unter dem Patronat des Verbandes Europäischer Philatelieverbände FEPA 
und dem Weltverband der Philatelie-Autoren und -Journalisten AIJP stattfinden wird. 
Angesichts der neueren finanziellen Entwicklungen in verschiedenen Staaten
der Gegenwart und infolge fehlender...