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Start price: 170.00
1928, Airplane, Angels and Globe, 5c brown olive, bottom sheet margin vertical pair imperforate horizontally, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $390, Unitrade C.v. CAD$525

Automatisch generierte Übersetzung:
1928, Flugzeug, Engeln und Globus, 5c braun/olivgrün, Unterrand senkrechtes Paar waagrecht ungezähnt, vollständiger Originalgummi, postfrisch, Pracht, Katalogwert $390, Unitrade Katalogwert CAD$525
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Please Note: German $86 and $86a StGB

The condition for any acquisitions from Philasearch offers is for you to take notice of §86 and §86a StGB, German Law. A historical and military item from the year 1933-1945 with a third Reich emblem, is not to be used in any propagandistical way. It is strictly forbidden and a criminal offence. The items only to be used, among other things, for civil educational intention, historical research, to report about the happenings of the NS-Time.

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