Gert Müller 125th Auction
February 12th - 15th, 2025
12. February 2025 13:00 CETLIVE!

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Gert Müller GmbH
Internationale Briefmarken- und Münzauktionen

Carl-Zeiss-Str. 2
76275 Ettlingen  
Telefon 07243 56174-0
Telefax 07243 56174-29
Ust-Id. Nr. DE266028993

Sitz Ettlingen ∙ Amtsgericht – Registergericht – Mannheim ∙ HRB 734302

Geschäftsführer: Holger Thull

Gert Müller Auktionen

Auction Date: February 12th - 15th, 2025

Gert Müller GmbH
Internationale Briefmarken- und Münzauktionen
Carl-Zeiss-Str. 2
76275 Ettlingen
Telefon +49 7243 56174-0
Telefax +49 7243 56174 29

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Auction Conditions:

The auctioneer shall receive acommission of 23% of the bid price as well as € 2.– per lot. When shipping the auction lots, the postage and insurance costs will be charged. The legallyapplicable value added tax of currently 19% shall be added to the commissionand incidental costs (surcharge, lot ...more

The auctioneer shall receive acommission of 23% of the bid price as well as € 2.– per lot. When shipping the auction lots, the postage and insurance costs will be charged. The legallyapplicable value added tax of currently 19% shall be added to the commissionand incidental costs (surcharge, lot fee, postage, insurance, etc.) only. The legal VAT is not charged on goods shipped to countries outside of the EU if the corresponding export certificate is submitted. The procurement services for customers from the EU, no German value added tax is charged under application of the reverse-charge mechanism if it concerns company customers and these customers can prove their identity as a business enterprise via submission of their national VAT ID number with the bid. For lots that are marked at the end of the description with (X), subject to additional import costs by 7% (import expenses) of the bid. These come from consignors outside the EU.
“Bid" lots are awarded to the highestbid.

Lot 3372 Hungary

  • MichelI

DER UNVERAUSGABTE WERT: 2 Kr. chromgelb, König Franz Josef, der äusserst seltene unverausgabte Wert, farbfrisch, kleine Beanstandungen, mit besonders schön klar aufgesetztem K1 "PEST". Es sind nur ca. 20 gest. Exemplare hiervon bekannt geworden, die im Jahr 1873 zur Frankatur auf Drucksachen verwendet wurden. Eine bedeutende Ungarn-Rarität! Geprüft Dr. Oertel, Fotoattest Tibor Pados und weiteres Fotoattest Istvan Glatz

Automatically generated translation:
The not issued value: 2 Kr. Chrome yellow, King Franz Joseph, the extremely rare not issued value, fresh colours, small defects, with especially nice clear mounted single circle postmark "PEST". There are only approximate 20 used examples of this have become known, the in the year 1873 to the franking on printed matters were used there. A significant Hungaria rarity! Expertized Dr. Oertel, photo expertize Tibor Pados and further photo expertize Istvan Glatz

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Public Auction

Minimum bid

2000.00 EUR
(app. 2069 USD)

End date of bidding:

Thursday February 13th, 2025, 13:00 CET

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Your experts for

Your experts for

Benefit from years of AIEP expert experience

Dènes Cziròk

Pacsirta u 9/1

8900 Zalaegerskzeg, Hungary

Specialist for:
Hungary: Prephilately + Classic Hungary 1850-1900 (Stamps and Postal History)

István Glatz

Komócsy u. 20/A

1141 Budapest, Hungary

Specialist for:
Hungary; postage and revenue stamps

Your experts for

Benefit from many years of experience of the BPP Experts.

Nikolaus Barabassy

Kertváros utca 23

1028 Budapest, Ungarn

Specialist for:
New Romania 1919, Hungary - Hotel post in Transylvania 1895-1924, Hungary - Occupation Issues 1919, West Hungary 1921 (Lajtabanat), Hungary - Michel Nos. 1-14 incl. postal stationery

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Current Auction Time (MET): Thursday 13th 2025 February 2025 - 11:55