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Start price: 288000.00
China postal receipt, 1903年上海半分郵資混貼美國客郵實寄封,貼蟠龍半分符合本埠郵資(郵資期間1902.4.8~1904.8.31),銷上海1903.SEP.11漢英戳與美國客郵2分銷上海美國客郵SEP.12寄美國1903.OCT.12到達,背銷上海"四"萬美信櫃戳,清代罕見郵路與郵資實寄封。半分郵資混貼美國客郵以往未見。郵政局有一小段時間允許用郵人自行貼用客郵票,1903年至1905年間,清郵政當局與各國訂立互寄合約後,出口郵件才無須加貼客郵郵票。另有"上海西門外婦孺醫院"戳記,西門婦孺醫院是由美國人瑪格麗特.威廉遜(Margaret.Wiillianson)於1884年6月創建的一所美國基督教會主辦的教會醫院,為滬上首家婦孺醫院。
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Please Note: German $86 and $86a StGB

The condition for any acquisitions from Philasearch offers is for you to take notice of §86 and §86a StGB, German Law. A historical and military item from the year 1933-1945 with a third Reich emblem, is not to be used in any propagandistical way. It is strictly forbidden and a criminal offence. The items only to be used, among other things, for civil educational intention, historical research, to report about the happenings of the NS-Time.

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