• Address
    2 avenue Henri Dunant

    98000 Monaco

    Téléphone : +377 97 77 61 54
    E-Mail: contact@boule-auctions.com
    Web: https://www.boule-auctions.com
  • About Boule Auctions

    Boule auction house was founded in 1986 by Mr. Maurice Boule. Being in the stamp business from 1965, he is now a member in the advisory commission of the Prince Albert II of Monaco.

    Now Boule Auctions is lead by Stéphane and Jason Boule.

    Boule Auctions situated in the center of Monte-Carlo, just in front of Hermitage Hotel at 2 avenue Henri Dunant

    We are in full preparation of our 113th mail bid sale and we propose you 1 or 2 philatelic prestigious auctions each year.

    Along with stamps and postal history auctions we organize numismatic, watches & jewels, classic motorcars auctions.

    You can find all updates about our departments and services on our website


    BOULE Auctions – 2 avenue Henri Dunant – 98000 – Monaco
    Tél : +377. – contact@boule-auctions.com


Our responsibility begins as soon as we have given you a deposit slip consisely listing the contents of your lots whatever the specialty : watches, jewelery, philately or numismatics.

Our full risk insurance, against loss, theft or degradation, covers your belongings both in our offices and in subsequent transportation.


Participation in postage, packing and insurance will be required prior to purchase. Our insurance covers all risks, including loss, theft or degradation during shipping that is handled by us. We prepare shipments with care and rigor, protecting even the most precious objects in suitable packaging.

Just make sure, very carefully, that your package, has not been opened (even slightly) and did not undergo any significant visible damage (shocks, water, etc.) during retrieval or package delivery.

After our agreement, you will be able to send objects covered by our insurance, using an uncomplicated procedure.

Shipping Information

Terms and Conditions

Boule Auctions

Abbreviated terms and conditions of sale (Conditions de vente abrégées - Definitive Terms of Sale are in French)

Les ordres d’acheteurs sont traites au mieux comme dans les ventes sur offres.
Les frais d'adjudication sont de 25%. Ils sont rajoutés au prix d’adjudication pour chaque lot.
La vente est faite au comptant.
Les acheteurs sont priés de payer leurs achats dès après la vente par chèque, virement sur notre compte ou en espèces.
Les lots ne seront délivrés qu’après réglement complet de la facture. Les expéditions (port et assurance) sont à la charge de l’acheteur. Aucun lot ne peut être retourné après un délai de un mois à compter du jour de la vente.

The buyer’s premium is 25% added on the hammer priée on every lot. Buyers must pay cash.
The lots will bc delivered after full payment of the invoicc.
Postal charges including insurance will be charged to the buyer.
No lot will bc refond after 30 days after the date of the auction.

Le condizioni de vendita definitive sono in franccsc c per ogni controvcrsia il Foro competente è qucllo di Monaco.
La partccipazionc alla vendita in asta pubblica implica l’acccttazionc dcllc condizioni gencrali e dcgli obblighi chc ne derivano.
Il prezzo finale dcl lotto sarà pari al prezzo di aggiudicazionc maggiorato di una commissione del 25%.
La Maison Boule si réserva il diritto di raggrupparc, dividcrc o ritirarc i lotti c di anullarc l’aggiudicazionc in caso di evcnfoali contcstazioni. Gli ordini dcgli acquirenti per corrispondenza saranno trattati nel migliore intéresse dei clienti.
Tutto il materialc proposto è garantito autentico, sccondo i termini di legge. L’acquircntc potrà csaminarc ogni pezzo durante l’csposizionc dei lotti, le nostre descrizioni sono date a titolo indicativo. Le riproduzioni fotografichc fanno parte intégrante dclla descrizione c non sa­ranno accettati reclami inerenti alla descrizione, classificazione, marginatura, dentellatura, annulamenti e qualité in generale. Qualora le peri- zic dcll’acquirentc c di Maison Boule dimostrasscro la fondatezza dcl reelamo, il lotto verra ritirato c saranno rimborsatc csclusivamcntc il prezzo di aggiudicazionc e i costi sostenuti dall’acquircntc, senza nessun’altra pretesa nci confronti di Maison Boule.
Nessuna reelamazione sarà accettata oltrc il termine di 7 giomi dopo la vendita.
Gli acquirenti sono pregati di pagarc il loro acqusti dopo la vendita per assegno, bonifico o in contanti. Salvo accordi prcccdenti, i lotti sa­ranno conscgnati solo dopo il pagamento totale délia fattura. Evcnfoali dilazioni di pagamento potranno esscre conccsse solo se espressa- mente richicstc c confermate da Boule prima dclla asta. Fino al compléta pagamento i lotti si intendono propriété del conferente.

Privacy agreement

Boule Auctions

Boule Monaco Auction 2024 - Philately and Postal History
December 6th, 2024

Philately and Postal History

Short Terms and Conditions

Fees 25% including tax

Please note the Terms and Conditions

Lot Start Lot End Starting Time

Friday December 6th, 2024

1 808 17:30 CET
Current Auctions
December 6th, 2024
Boule Monaco Auction 2024 - Philately and Postal History
Philately and Postal History
Auction Results
December 6th, 2024
Boule Monaco Auction 2024 - Philately and Postal History
Philately and Postal History
November 25th, 2022
Boule Monaco Auction 2022 - Philately and Postal History
Philately and Postal History
November 29th, 2019
Boule Monaco Auction 2019
Philately and Postal History of the world. Coins, medals, decorations of China and Asia
December 1st, 2017
Boule Monaco Auction 2017
Philately & Postal History of the world,  Specialized collection of China