• Address
    Filatelia Fischer
    Via Torino 160
    00184 Roma

    Phone: +39 064743574
    Fax: +39 064743574
    E-Mail: info@filateliafischer.it
    Web: https://www.filateliafischer.it/
  • About Philatelia di Daniele Fischer

    Philatelia Fischer is one of the most well-known philatelic shops in Rome. Over than 75 years of continuous activity in the same place, more than 100 catalogues published both in paper and online, hundreds of big collections entrusted for wholesaling or retailing, an available choice of tens of thousands of stamps ranging from Italian Ancient States to the Italian Kingdom and Republic, passing through Colonies, Italian Social Republic, and Occupations, foreign collections including the main European (German Ancient States, Germany, Switzerland) and world countries. The long experience, reliability and recognized professionality of the owner and the staff make Philatelia Fischer a point of reference for the stamps collectors from Italy and all over the world.

Payment Options

Bank transfer

Terms and Conditions

Philatelia di Daniele Fischer


1. Introduction
These general conditions regulate the sale at auction and/or private negotiations of the lots conferred to the Philatelia Fischer. By sending your purchase order or by making an offer the buyer fully accepts all the conditions of sale listed below. All offered material is guaranteed, authentic, legitimate and from legal provenance, with no concealed defects unless otherwise stated in the catalogue. The pictures are integral parts of the descriptions. Any claim related to prints center, margins and stamps characteristics
(heaviness of cancellations, etc.) are not accepted.

2. Participation in auction
Philatelia Fischer reserves the right to request the auction participants information regarding personal details and bank references, as well as the right to refuse the participation in case of inadequate guarantees.

3. Participation by mail or online platforms
Orders can be sent by post or e-mail using the appropriate order form duly filled in. By signing and submitting the order forms the participant agrees to pay the hammered price of the lots if the offer(s) should be successful. Claims due to negligence or errors in filling up written offers will not be accepted.

4. Bids
Lots are awarded to the highest bidder.
Offers below base prices are not accepted. The base price represents the minimum price of sale for each item. Offers with the conditions “to the best” or “upon view” are not accepted. In case of two or more equivalent bids, the first received will be considered as the winner. Base prices in this auction are in Euro and shown in the column next to each description. The starting price of each lot is that indicated as base, except in the case of offers for correspondence, in which case the starting price will be that of the subsequent increment to the second to the last higher offer (ex: a lot with a €100.00 auction base which receives three offers of €100, €200 and €300 will start from €220).

5. Increases

0 100 5
101 200 10
201 500 20
501 1.000 25
1.001 2.000 50
2.001 4.000 100
4.001 10.000 250
10.001 20.000 500
20.001 30.000 1.000
30.001 Over 1.500

6. Purchasing price
In addition to the hammer price a commission of 23% including Vat will be charged to the purchaser.

7. Payment
Buyers who want to pick up the lots after the closure of the auction in the shop must pay the due amount on delivery; for purchasing by correspondence or e-mail payment must be sent within 15 days from the receipt of the invoice. The lots(s) will be sent after full payment. Payment can be made cash (within the limits of the law), by cashier’s or personal bank cheque, bank transfer and Bancomat without increase; by PayPal with a 4% increase.
Bank account details:
Philatelia di Daniele Fischer
Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Roma – Filiale AG.007
IBAN: IT 15 H 08327 03211 000000007909

8. Conditional sale
Lots are sold by Philatelia Fischer with conditional sale in accordance with art. 1523 c.c.; therefore, the buyer will not acquire title to the lots until the full payment of the purchasing price. The risk of deterioration and/or damage of the lots will pass to the buyer upon delivery of the lots. The delivery of the purchased lots is, in any case, subject to prior full payment of the due price.

9. Shipment
If not collected in the shop, all the purchased material will be sent after full payment by insured mail at a flat rate of €10.00 up to 250 gr of weight. The cost of a private insurance will be added according to the value of the shipment. Lots exceeding 1 kg of weight will be shipped only by carrier.

10. Payment delays
Payment delays can be allowed only if explicitly agreed upon (before the date of the sale) according to conditions and terms that must be confirmed by Philatelia Fischer.

11. Payment terms overdue
In case of payment terms overdue (see art. 7) Philatelia Fischer reserve the right to cancel the agreement and to charge the buyer with damaging, applying a penalty of 1% per month.

12. Claims
Claims will be accepted only regarding single lots without expertise and will have to be submitted within 20 days from the collection or the reception date. Claims will be taken into consideration only regarding the authenticity of the lots, the presence of serious flaws and/or concealed defects and/or non conformity between the purchased lots and the and those described in the sale catalogue, according to the judgement of two known experts. In case complaint is accepted, only the amount paid for the purchase of the lot(s) (excluding postal charges) will be refund, being any compensation and/or additional refund specifically excluded (including possible expertise cost incurred by the purchaser).
Claims for the following items can’t be accepted for any reasons:
a) items made by more than 10 pieces not described as single items;
b) items described as made by stamps with failures or of mixed quality;
c) items described as made by stamps having a value lower than 9% of the catalogue price;
d) collections , covers, and accumulations of any kind;
e) collections, covers or single lots bearing heavy, passing-through or split postal cancellations or expertizing marks even if not described in detail. In particular, claims
regarding lots explicitly described as “to be examined” will not be accepted. As for the lots described at the points a-b- c-de, the description has to be regarded as indicative and in no way binding.

13. Applicable law and competent Court
For any controversy the Italian Law shall prevail and the
Competent Court is Rome.

Privacy agreement

Philatelia di Daniele Fischer


Ai sensi dell’art. 13 del Reg. UE 2016/679 (relativo alla protezione delle persone fisiche con riguardo al tratta­mento dei dati personali, nonché alla libera circolazione di tali dati - GDPR) desideriamo informarLa che i dati personali da Lei forniti formeranno oggetto di trattamento nel rispetto della normativa sopra richiamata e degli obblighi di riservatezza cui è tenuto il Titolare del trattamento.
1. Titolare del trattamento

Il Titolare del trattamento è PHILATELIA S.a.s., VIA TORINO 160 – 00184 ROMA presso cui risiedono i dati trattati.
2. Responsabile della protezione dei dati (DPO)

Ai sensi dell’art. 28 del regolamento UE n. 2016/679, su nomina del titolare dei dati, il responsabile del trattamento dei dati del sito, è il Sig. FISCHER DANIELE domiciliato ai fini della presente carica in VIA TORINO 160 – 00184 ROMA, indirizzo e-mail filateliafischer@legalmail.it – info@filateliafischer.it
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Oltre al titolare, in alcuni casi, potrebbero avere accesso ai dati, categorie di incaricati coinvolti nell’organizzazione del sito (personale amministrativo, commerciale, marketing, legali, amministratori di sistema) ovvero soggetti esterni (come fornitori di servizi tecnici terzi, corrieri postali, hosting provider, società informatiche, agenzie di comunicazione).
9. Diritti dell’interessato

In ogni momento, Lei potrà esercitare, ai sensi degli art. 15 - 22 del Reg. UE 2016/679, il diritto di:

    chiedere la conferma che sia o meno in corso un trattamento di propri dati personali e di ottenere l’accesso agli stessi;
    ottenere la rettifica, la cancellazione dei dati, la limitazione del trattamento;
    opporsi al trattamento in qualsiasi momento;
    proporre reclamo a un’autorità di controllo;
    ottenere le indicazioni circa l’esistenza di un processo decisionale automatizzato, compresa la profilazione, e, almeno in tali casi, avere informazioni significative sulla logica utilizzata, nonché l’importanza e le conseguenze previste per l’interessato; in tali casi, l’interessato ha il diritto di opporsi in qualsiasi momento;
    ottenere la portabilità dei dati, ossia di riceverli da un titolare del trattamento, in un formato strutturato, di uso comune e leggibile da dispositivo automatico, e trasmetterli ad un altro titolare del trattamento senza impedimenti;
    revocare il consenso in qualsiasi momento senza pregiudicare la liceità del trattamento basata sul consenso prestato prima della revoca, sia nel caso di trattamento di dati personali che di particolari categorie di dati personali (artt. 6 par. 1 lett. a) e 9 par. 2 lett. a).

Può esercitare i Suoi diritti con richiesta scritta inviata al Titolare del trattamento a mezzo lettera raccomandata a/r all’indirizzo VIA TORINO 160 – 00184 ROMA o a mezzo PEC/e-mail all’indirizzo filateliafischer@legalmail.it – info@filateliafischer.it

138th Filatelia Fischer Auction
March 19th, 2024

It's a pleasure to invite you to our first 2024 auction. You will receive your awarded lots faster because we have improved our shipping system (now Express for Europe and USA)!

We are very proud to provide a selection of some of the most interesting lots collected over more than 40 years of activity.

Short Terms and Conditions

In addition to the hammer price a commission of 23% including VAT will be charged to the purchaser.

Please note the Terms and Conditions

Lot Start Lot End Starting Time

Tuesday March 19th, 2024

1 1127 10:00 CET
Current Auctions
March 19th, 2024
138th Filatelia Fischer Auction
Over 1000 lots from all over the world with focus on Italy
Auction Results
December 6th - 7th, 2022
133rd Filatelia Fischer Auction
1305 lots from all over the world with focus on Italy.
March 4th - 5th, 2022
131st Filatelia Fischer Auction
1488 lots from all over the world with focus on Italy.
September 1st, 2021
129th Filatelia Fischer Auction
First dedicated auction to Old German States and Colonies