
1. Zahlungsmöglichkeiten:

  • Barzahlung (bei Abholung)

  • Bezahlung über Philapay

  • per Banküberweisung:


Klaus Würschinger


Erste Bank


AT44 2011 1846 7380 4300




2. Versandbedingungen:

Wir versenden innerhalb von 2 bis 5 Werktagen. In seltenen Ausnahmefällen kann die Lieferzeit bis zu 14 Tage betragen. Die Versandkosten entstehen wie folgt:


Brief max. 2 kg bis 100 € Rechnungsbetrag

8 € Versandkosten (pauschal)

Brief max. 2 kg ab 100 € Rechnungsbetrag

8 € + 1 € je weitere angefangene 100 €

Paket ab 2 kg bis 100 € Rechnungsbetrag

15 € Versandkosten (pauschal)

Paket ab 2 kg ab 100 € Rechnungsbetrag

15 € + 1 € je weitere angefangene 100 €

Europäische Union (EU):

Brief max. 75 g bis 100 € Rechnungsbetrag

9 € Versandkosten (pauschal)

Brief max. 75 g ab 100 € Rechnungsbetrag

9 € + 1 € je weitere angefangene 100 €

Brief ab 75 g – 2 kg bis 100 € Rechnungsbetrag

19 € Versandkosten (pauschal)

Brief ab 75 g – 2 kg ab 100 € Rechnungsbetrag

19 € + 1 € je weitere angefangene 100 €

Paket versichert

tatsächliche Versandkosten + Verpackung

Drittländer (außerhalb der EU):

Brief max. 75 g bis 100 € Rechnungsbetrag

10 € Versandkosten (pauschal)

Brief max. 75 g ab 100 € Rechnungsbetrag

10 € + 1 € je weitere angefangene 100 €

Brief ab 75 g – 2 kg bis 100 € Rechnungsbetrag

29 € Versandkosten (pauschal)

Brief ab 75 g – 2 kg ab 100 € Rechnungsbetrag

29 € + 1 € je weitere angefangene 100 €

Paket versichert

tatsächliche Versandkosten + Verpackung

Es gelten die in den AGB gelisteten Versandbedingungen.

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Payment Options

Imprint and Information for Online Disputes

Information for Online Disputes


Durch das Alternative-Streitbeilegung-Gesetz (AStG) wird die EU-Richtlinie über alternative Streitbeilegung in Verbraucherangelegenheiten (ADR-RL) umgesetzt.
Nach diesem Gesetz können sich Unternehmer bei Streitigkeiten mit Verbrauchern anstelle eines Gerichtsverfahrens freiwillig auch einem alternativen Streitbeilegungs-Verfahren unterziehen. Das Gesetz gilt für entgeltliche Verträge über Waren und Dienstleistungen, egal ob innerhalb oder außerhalb des Internet.
Zusätzlich gilt für Online-Verträge die EU-Verordnung über Online-Streitbeilegung in Verbraucherangelegenheiten (ODR-VO).
Die EU-Plattform zur Online-Streitbeilegung (OS-Plattform) erreichen Sie unter folgendem Link:


Briefmarken Stilus e.U.
Klaus Würschinger

Werksiedlung 23/4
Austria - 8664 St. Barbara
Firmenbuchnummer: FN 517751 z
Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer: ATU 72877835
Briefmarken Stilus e.U.
Bank: Erste Bank
IBAN: AT44 2011 1846 7380 4300
Terms and Conditions

Briefmarken Stilus

Briefmarken Stilus e.U. auction conditions - online auction

Terms of Service (ToS)

Briefmarken Stilus e.U. auction conditions - online auction

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1. Scope and recognition
These auction terms and conditions (= "General Terms and Conditions for Online Auctions", hereinafter only GTC) apply to all business relationships between Briefmarken Stilus eU (hereinafter also auctioneer), Werksiedlung 23/4, 8664 St. Barbara, Austria (auction location) and the participants in one of the auctioneers exclusively Online auction carried out via the Internet auction platform Philasearch The auctioning of movable objects from the field of philately in the broadest sense is public and voluntary. It takes place within the framework of the applicable legal provisions in your own name and on account as a time-limited event in euros.
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4. The submission of bids is only possivle in the following two ways
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Increase levels:
1 – 20 € = 1 €
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6. The auctionneer is entitled,
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7. The surcharge
If only one bid is placed on a lot, the bid is accepted at the starting price. All knock-downs at the Internet auction take place in the presence and with the consent of an auctioneer of the auctioneer who personally accompanies the Internet auction on site. The knockdown is the auctioneer's declaration of intent, with which he accepts the highest bid from a bidder.
8. The acceptance of the bid
as a declaration of intent by the auctioneer creates a sales contract between the bidder and the auctioneer, which obliges the buyer to accept all the lots he has won and to pay the total invoice amount in full and on time. Anyone who buys for third parties is also liable for the full and timely payment of the total amount. With the acceptance of the bid, the risk of loss or damage to lots for which the auctioneer is not responsible is transferred to the buyer (highest bidder), ownership however, only after the auctioneer has received full payment of the total invoice amount including any ancillary claims for all lots bought by the buyer. Before the auctioneer receives the payment of the total invoice amount, the buyer has no rights of disposal (e.g. transfer or resale) over the lots in his possession.
9. A surcharge of 22% will be added to the hammer price.
All lots are subject to differential taxation. There are therefore no additional taxes on the hammer price. The total amount includes VAT, which is not shown separately on the invoice.
Example calculation:
Zuschlag +
1850, no. 1 H la, 1 Kr., Brown-orange, stamped, Certificate, ANK 2019
= 940 €
70 € + 15,2 €
1945, No. 745 xb, 10 gr., Thin paper 0.075 mm,**, findings, ANK 2019
= 100 €
10 € + 2,2 €
2019, No. 3491, "Crypto stamp", black, 5-digit code; cbCYk, mint never
20 € + 4,4 €
Total hammer price + 22% buyer´s premium 100 € + 22 €
+ Shipping and packaging costs 9,00 €
Amount to be paid (invoice amount) 131,00 €
10. Cancellation instruction on the right of cancellation
You have the right to cancel your contract within fourteen days without giving any reason. The cancellation period is fourteen days from the day on which you or a third party named by
you who is not the carrier has taken possession of the goods.
To exercise your right of withdrawal, you must contact:
Briefmarken Stilus e.U., Werksiedlung 23/4, 8664 St. Barbara, email:
by means of a clear declaration of your decision to withdraw from this contract - e.g. by means of a letter sent by post or e-mail. In order to meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your notification that you are exercising your right of cancellation before the cancellation period has expired.
Consequences of withdrawal
If you cancel this contract, you will be reimbursed for all payments received, including delivery costs, immediately and at the latest within fourteen days from the date on which the notification of your cancellation of this contract was received by Briefmarken Stilus e.U. The same means of payment that you used for the original transaction will be used for this repayment, unless something else has been expressly agreed with you. The repayment is withheld until the goods are safely back at the auctioneer. You must return or hand over the goods immediately and in any case no later than fourteen days from the date on which you informed Briefmarken Stilus e.U. of the cancellation of this contract. The deadline is met if you send the goods before the period of fourteen days has expired. You bear the direct costs of returning the goods. You only have to pay for any loss in value of the goods if this loss in value is due to handling of the goods that is not necessary to check the nature, properties and functionality of the goods.
Exclusion or premature expiry of the right of withdrawal
The right of withdrawal does not apply to contracts
- for the delivery of goods that are not prefabricated and for the production of which an individual selection or determination by the consumer is decisive or which are clearly tailored to the personal needs of the consumer;
The right of withdrawal expires prematurely in the case of contracts
- for the delivery of goods if they were inseparably mixed with other goods after delivery due to their nature.

11. „Alternative dispute resolution“ (obligation to provide information in accordance with § 19 AStG and in accordance with § 4 Paragraph 1 Z 19 FAGG)
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 Internet Ombudsman, Margaretenstr. 70/2/10, 1050 Vienna, or
 Arbitration board for consumer transactions, Mariahilferstr. 103/1/18, 1060 Vienna, (on whose websites you will also find general information about these bodies and the dispute
settlement procedure) and at the same time announce whether we will participate in dispute settlement procedures of these AS bodies.
12. „Online Dispute Resolution“, Information for online dispute resolution:
The European Commission has been making 15/02/2016 an Internet platform for online settlement of consumer disputes (called "OS Platform") provides that out of court as a focal point or alternative settlement of disputes regarding contractual obligations arising from online contracts for goods or services.
The OS platform of the EU Commission can be reached under the link:
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18. Lot descriptions
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By submitting a bid on stamps that have already been tested , these tests are recognized as binding with regard to authenticity, quality description, completeness of content and otherinformation contained therein, unless the bid is subject to the test submitted by an auditor who has been announced and accepted by the auctioneer. If, after the purchase, new knowledge and / or technology has led to a change of opinion among recognized experts, it is at the auctioneer's sole discretion to accept the complaint or to reject it entirely. The lots are sold in the condition in which they are at auction. In the case of collections, collective lots with two or more pieces not described individually, complaints about authenticity and quality are excluded. Properties that are described or recognizable from the illustration, such as margins, centering, perforation or stamps, cannot be complained about. Lots with restrictions already described cannot be complained about because of other minor restrictions. Pieces, the value of which is shown on the stamp cannot be claimed because of other restrictions. Errors in the submission of bids are borne by the bidder. Determined values, especially in the case of collections, as non-binding "approximate" information cannot be a reason for complaint. All other complaints must be made immediately. The buyers have to send them to the auctioneer within 14 days of receipt or even attempted delivery. If the purchased lots are not picked up or accepted in due time, the deadline for complaints is considered exceeded. An extension of the complaint period is only possible in justified cases with the consent of the
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21. Austrian law
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As long as catalog owners, interested parties and bidders do not express themselves to the contrary, they assure that they will only use the catalog and the objects depicted in it from the time of the Third Reich for the purposes of civic education, the defense against unconstitutional efforts, art or science, research or for teaching, reporting on contemporary events or history or for similar purposes. Such items will only be offered by the auctioneer under these conditions.

Klaus Würschinger
Briefmarken Stilus e.U.


Briefmarken Stilus e.U. auction conditions - online auction

Terms of Service (ToS)

Terms of Service (ToS) from

Briefmarken Stilus e.U.
Inhaber: Klaus Würschinger
Werksiedlung 23/4
A - 8664 St. Barbara
1. Scope:
The following general terms and conditions of sale and delivery are exclusively decisive for sales and delivery transactions.
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The buyer bears a vulnerable currency risk.

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The delivery is considered completed when the delivery item has been handed over to the buyer.
If the buyer refrains from a more detailed inspection of the goods to be taken over, he conclusively acknowledges that the goods are free of defects.
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Unless otherwise agreed, packaging is included in the shipping costs. The packaging is non-returnable.
8. Payment:
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The seller waives the defense of counterclaims.
In the event of a delay in payment, default interest of 5% will be charged, subject to the assertion of further claims.
In the event of default, the buyer is obliged to pay the pre-trial costs for legal reminders and legal interventions in addition to the interest on arrears.
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If a buyer is in default of payment, the seller is entitled, after a prior written warning and setting a 14-day grace period, to withdraw from the purchase contract and to demand the return of all goods stored by the buyer and
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If agreed advance payments are not made or only partially made, the company Briefmarken Stilus e.U. entitled to withdraw from the contract and to request a 20% cancellation fee equal to the order amount.
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In the case of minor, removable or non-repairable defects, the seller may grant a price reduction instead of remedial action.
Goods or part returns may only be returned for repair or exchange after the seller’s consent.
The rectification of defects through the sale has no influence on the warranty period, i.e. this is not extended again after an attempt at improvement by the originally statutory or agreed warranty period.
The buyer is not entitled to demand reimbursement of costs from the seller for a self-remedy of defects. The seller is not liable to the customer for consequential damages, except in the case of intent, whereby the burden of proof
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11. Jurisdiction and place of performance:
The place of performance and exclusive place of jurisdiction for the contractual parts for all current and/or future claims and disputes arising from this business relationship or in connection therewith is the competent court of the company Briefmarken Stilus e.U. in Vienna. The seller is free to appeal to the court responsible for the buyer, if necessary.
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Austrian law applies to this contractual relationship.
Should, contrary to the agreed place of jurisdiction, a legal dispute become pending between the contracting parties in the buyer’s country, individual provisions of this contract cannot be applied due to the “Public Order”, the
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Several buyers are jointly and severally liable for all liabilities arising from a purchase contract.
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Should a legal transaction be concluded with a consumer within the meaning of the various consumer protection laws (ABGB, KSchG) in the individual case of these sales and delivery conditions, the above sales and delivery
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The present contractual conditions apply without restriction to entrepreneurs.

The EU platform for online dispute resolution (OS platform) can be reached via the following link:
Privacy agreement

Briefmarken Stilus

Return conditions

Briefmarken Stilus

Informationen zur Ausübung des Widerrufsrechts im Falle eines Kaufvertrags über die Lieferung einer oder mehrerer Waren in einer Sendung

Widerrufsbelehrung (Widerrufsrecht) nach § 4 Abs 1 Z 8 FAGG

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Klaus Würschinger

Werksiedlung 23/4
Austria - 8664 St. Barbara
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20th Auction Stilus ONLINE LIVE
February 9th, 2025

Germany, Italy, Austria with crown lands, LV, lots etc.

Short Terms and Conditions

There will be a commison of 22% on the hammer price.
All lots are subject to differential taxation. Therefore there are no additional taxes on the hammer price. The total amount includes VAT already, and is not shown separately on the invoice.

There will be no after auction sale.

Please note the Terms and Conditions

Lot Start Lot End Starting Time

Sunday February 9th, 2025

1 400 13:00 CET
Current Auctions
February 9th, 2025
20th Auction Stilus
Germany, Italy, Austria with crown lands, LV, lots etc.
Auction Results
February 9th, 2025
20th Auction Stilus
Germany, Italy, Austria with crown lands, LV, lots etc.
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19th Auction Stilus
Germany Single lots & collections, UK One Penny Black, Austria Crown lands, LV, lots etc.
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Austrian stamps and postal history, including dependencies, plus Europe & the World.
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November 3rd, 2019
1st Auction Stilus
Austrian stamps and postal history from 1850 - 2019, including additional areas